German Propaganda Archive Calvin University

East German Propaganda

This page is part of the German Propaganda Archive, a collection of translations of propaganda material from the Nazi and East German eras. This page covers propaganda in the German Democatic Republic (the GDR) for the period 1949-1989. For further information on the site, see the FAQ.

My book titled Bending Spines: The Propagandas of Nazi Germany and the German Democratic Republic (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2004) provides an analysis of much of the material on the German Propaganda Archive. It can be ordered in the United States through in either the hardcover or paperback edition.

I. Speeches by East German Leaders

II.Miscellaneous Propaganda

III. Posters and Visual Material

IV. Material for Propagandists

V. Links

For more information on the German Propaganda Archive, see the FAQ.

Last edited 14 September 2024

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