German Propaganda Archive Calvin University

Background: Rochlitz is a town between Dresden and Leipzig. It was the seat of an SED Kreis (or county). Each county party unit developed a plan for propaganda activities in the coming year. This is the plan for Rochlitz County in 1982. This document gives a good idea of the way an SED county organization planned propaganda activities.

The source: “Plan der massenpolitischen Arbeit der Kreisparteiorganisation Rochlitz für das Jahr 1982,” Rochlitz: SED Kreisleitung Rochlitz, 1982. The original is in the SED party archive in Berlin, part of the Bundesarchiv.

Plan for Mass Political Work

of the County Party Organization Rochlitz

for the Year 1982


1. The further realization of the decisions of the X. Party Congress, which requires a considerable increase in the effectiveness of political-ideological work, is the center of the political work of the party organizations in the factories, collective farms, organizations, and institutions of the county.

Therefore, there must be a qualitative improvement in political training and Marxist-Leninist education to better equip the members and candidates to:

2. The tasks set by the X. Party Congress of the SED and the significant decisions of the XXVI. Congress of the CPSU [Communist Party of the Soviet Union], as well as the plenums and decisions of the Central Committee and the documents of the international labor movement determine the following key elements of agitation and propaganda in the county:

3. We also want to help varied initiatives in socialist competition and in meeting and exceeding the plan for 1982, which is based on the economic strategy announced by our General Secretary Erich Honecker at the X. Party Congress, and further explained by the Third Plenum [of the Central Committee]. We want to strengthen this clearly focused, living, and persuasive political-ideological work by winning further candidates from the ranks of younger workers for the party.

In preparation for party elections, the party leadership is to be further trained and strengthened so that they are in the position to react independently to particular events, carry out the party’s decisions under concrete conditions, and lead all comrades in the battle for the highest quality and productivity.

That requires that all members of the county leadership, the officials in the apparatus, and capable party activists receive clear tasks that can be evaluated, and which will support, help, and encourage particular basic organizations of the party.

Also, the experiences of the best must become the measure for all basic party organizations. Particular attention is to be given to the educational role of membership meetings and party group meetings.

4. Particular high points of mass political work in the county for the year 1982 are:


Every party organization in industry, agriculture, construction, transportation, and commerce must be clear that the prime goal of socialist competition is better use of the qualitative factors of economic growth, which is the crucial way to improve the relationship between costs and output.

1. Party organizations are to use effective economic agitation and propaganda to encourage and spread such tested forms and methods as:

With the support of the county party office, the already begun exchanges of experiences are to be continued:

Good results with the comparison of accomplishments between individual brigades and collectives (e.g., in the VEB Stern-Radio Rochlitz, Getriebewerk Penig) are to be continued, introduced in other factories, and given better publicity.

With the help of members of the KdT and factory groups of URANIA, small exhibitions, shows and targeted speeches are to be used more effectively for economic propaganda.

Responsible: Department of Economic Policy, Department of Agitation/Propaganda

2. Party organizations in rural and agricultural production are to concentrate their economic agitation and propaganda in preparing for and evaluating the XII. Farmers’ Congress of the GDR in these areas:

The “Days of Rural Agitation and Propaganda” will be carried out between 25 February and 19 March in the county.

It will open with the County Farmer’s Conference and conclude with a “Ball for the Best” in agricultural production.

A special plan with concrete goals exists for the “Days of Rural Agitation and Propaganda.”

Responsible: Agriculture Department, Department of Agitation/Propaganda

3. To support effective economic agitation and propaganda in industry and agriculture, the County’s Working Group on “Economic Agitation and Propaganda” will be activated.

In cooperation with the county’s educational institutions and that of the VEB Getriebewerk,arguments, reports of experiences, facts and statistics will be provided on such topics as:

Responsible: Department of Agitation/Propaganda, Department of Economic Policy


The County Leadership Secretariat will ensure that the plenums of the Central Committee and important party decisions will be discussed in seminars with party secretaries, leaders of basic party organizations, in the mass organizations, and in government organs.

Responsible: The County Secretariat

To train party secretaries, propagandists and speakers, propaganda meetings will be held in 1982 on the following topics:

Responsible: Department of Agitation/Propaganda

2. The Party Education Year and the FDJ Study Year [both year-long study groups for members], consistent with the decision of the Politbüro of 23 June 1981, are to be a central part of inner-party life.

They are to be an intensive study of the class works of Marxism-Leninism and the decisions of the party, as well as the application of theoretical knowledge to daily political life. The goal is a high level of participation.

The placement in the levels of the Party Education Year 1982/84 should result after personal conversations with every comrade, and should be agreed upon by 15 March 1982 by the membership meetings.

The percentage of comrades active as propagandists who have attended a BPS [District Party School] should be increased.

Responsible: The leadership of the party basic organizations

The county’s educational office will prepare for the Party Education Year 1982-83 by holding short courses for propagandists, training 25 new propagandists by the beginning of the new Party Education Year.

Responsible: Educational Office

Propagandists in the Party Education Year and the FDJ Study Year will meet monthly on the “Day of the Propagandists.” These meetings will include exchanges of experiences and provide methodological-pedagogical training for propagandists. Every other month, members of the county secretariat will explain to the leaders decisions and current problems we face.

The leadership of the party basic organizations are responsible for a high level of participation by their propagandists.

Responsible: Department of Agitation/Propaganda, Leadership of the party basic organizations.

3. To train the party cadre, the county office will carry out the following educational activities:

The party basic organizations are responsible for selecting and delegating participants, and ensuring their regular participation.

Responsible: Secretariat, Leadership of the party basic organizations

4. Guidance for agitators in small and mid-sized factories, agricultural units, institutions, establishments, and neighborhood party organizations will occur monthly at meetings held by secretariat members in the four cities of the county.

The party leadership in larger basic organizations in industry and agriculture will hold monthly meetings for their agitators.

Responsible: Department of Agitation/Propaganda, Leadership of the basic organizations

5. To support the work of propagandists and agitators, the education offices and the Agitation Commission of the SED county office will publish arguments, factual material, and other written matter.

Responsible: Department of Agitation/Propaganda


Specifics of mass-political work

1. Each month, the secretary of Agitation/Propaganda in the SED county office secretariat will evaluate the mood and opinions of the county population.

Party secretaries and comrades from the mass organizations will provide him with reports.

Responsible: Secretary of Agitation/Propaganda

After such evaluations, county functionaries will conduct specific meetings (Wednesday conversations) and with the county speaker collectives.

Advice for the discussion leader will be given on the last Friday of each month by members of the secretariat. The results of the Wednesday discussions and the speaker engagements will be part of the monthly evaluation by the secretary of Agitation/Propaganda.

Responsible: Secretariat

2. On political work with the working class

The working class must become more conscious of its role and its social responsibility as the producing and governing class.

This consciousness must be demonstrated in class-conscious behavior, in creative initiatives to strengthen our republic politically, economically and militarily, in their behavior inside and outside the factory, and above all in their families.

In cooperation with comrades from the union, discussions and conversations on the basic issues of our policies must be conducted more consistently.

The party leadership in factories will organize the use of all functionaries and leading cadres in group discussions, and in supervising and evaluating the results. The heads of the factories will meet regularly with masters and brigade leaders.

The party leadership of the basic organizations will evaluate the results.

Comrades will receive specific assignments to meet with young workers, particularly those in youth brigades, to discuss the responsibility of the working class and the role and significance of the party. The goal is to win the best as candidate members for the party.

The mass political work with the working class must focus on such problems as:

3. On political work with the class of collective farmers

In political work with those in rural areas, those involved in food production, and in preparation for the XII. Farmers’ Congress of the GDR, the creativity of these workers is to be directed toward the carrying out of our economic strategy. The sense of individual responsibility for their LPG [a collective farm] must be increased along with their desire to use all resources. Further developing cooperation between plant and animal production is also of great importance.

A high point of mass political work with the rural population is the “Days of Rural Agitation and Propaganda” from 25 February to 19 March.

The party leadership of all basic organizations in factories, rural areas and in agricultural production must ensure that monthly discussions with collective members are held on the basic problems of domestic and foreign developments.

Activist meetings should be held to prepare for important times of agricultural production.

The schools of collective labor are to be used effectively to acquaint the farmers even better with the decisions of the X. Party Congress and the XII. Farmers’ Congress, and to encourage new initiatives to realize these decisions.

Work with temporary party groups in agriculture is to be improved and their political attractiveness for the party collective increased.

The popular scientific propaganda of URANIA groups should be focused more strongly on explaining problems of our collective development to the members of the collectives.

The Traditional Rooms in the collective farms “Thomas Müntzer” in Königsfeld, “Erich Gasch” in Erlbach and “Fortschritt Naundorf” are to be used more effectively to develop historical consciousness on the part of the rural population.

The following problems should be the center of mass political work with collective farmers:

The foundations for these are the documents of the XII. Farmers’ Congress of the GDR.

4. On mass political work with the socialist intelligentsia

The knowledge, ability and creative potential of the members of the socialist intelligentsia is to be oriented more strongly at meeting the demands of the 1980’s. They should direct their efforts to developing a greater degree of effectiveness in using science and technology in our economy, and to making a contribution to the continued intellectual and cultural development of socialism. Those should be the focus of mass political work with socialist intellectuals.

The Health Department of the county council, the Cultural Federation and the County URANIA group will carry out personal conversations, forums, discussions and other interesting meetings with doctors and mid-level medical personnel. They should focus on problems of the social development of our republic and the responsibility of doctors and their work collectives. The doctor’s group of the party education year will be continued. Leading comrades of our county should participate in discussing problems and the tasks set by the X. Party Congress.

Mass political work with artists and cultural workers should make these workers in our county more aware of their responsibility for the intellectual-cultural development of our population and for their development.

Mass political work with pedagogical intelligentsia will concentrate on effective communist education of the school youth, and on high quality instruction. A particular goal is improving military-political education.

School functionaries in every school are to conduct personal conversations with teachers and students. The party leadership will regularly supervise and evaluate the results.

5. Mass political work with the youth

Work with the youth should win their enthusiasm, their desire for action and their active creative cooperation in mastering the demands of science and technology for higher economic growth in the economy, for gaining comprehensive knowledge, and for a higher defensive readiness.

The successful fulfillment of the “FDJ-Task “X. Party Congress” is at the center of the mass political work.

With the support of the party leadership and government heads, each FDJ group should carry out the following thematic membership meetings:

January 1982:

“My contribution to the plan for 1982.”

March 1982:

“Peace must be defended — Peace must be armed.”

During the period 23 February - 1 March 1982, the “Week of Fraternal Military Brotherhood” will occur.

A variety of meetings will consider military, including military political competitions, forums and round table discussions, will raise issues of defensive preparedness, the friend-foe outlook, and socialist military morale with the youth.

In Preparation for the VII. Pioneer Meeting, round table discussions and forums with Pioneers will be held in the schools by secretariat members and other leading functionaries.

In preparing for and Evaluating the FDJ Cultural Conference that will be held in Leipzig in October 1982, the FDJ county leadership and the county council will raise the level of intellectual-cultural life in the youth brigades, and improve the quality of political-cultural programs in FDJ groups.

The county URANIA leadership will organize a Youth URANIA Week from 1-6 May 1982. It will deal with problems of the scientific-technical worldview.

6. On mass political work with women

The goal of work with women is to further increase their engagement for societal development.

The DFD [The GDR’s women’s group] will use the women’s academies to better meet the needs of women in our area.

The “Day of Women Farmers” during the “Days of Rural Agitation and Propaganda” will be used to acquaint the women through forums, conversations, “leadership meetings” and other forms of mass political work with the problems of social development in agricultural areas, and to encourage their active participation in this process.

The county board of the DFD, the county office of the Culture Federation, the county council and the Culture Department will ensure that women are included even more in mass political work.

7. On work with the National Front

The National Front’s mass political work aims at including as many people as possible, regardless of their worldviews and religious beliefs, in further advancing the developed socialist society.

The “Mayor’s Meetings” are to be better used to provide a form of mass political work appropriate to the needs of citizens, and should aim at involving as many citizens as possible in the “Mach mit!” Competition. [This was a form of voluntary-compulsory community service.]

In 1982, our county will begin work on Highway F 175. Under the slogan “From the Hartauer Cross to the Green Fir”, work on beautifying the cities and communities along the highway will begin.

The party organizations, local councils, and boards of the National Front in the adjoining areas, effective mass political work should help win the participation of many citizens.


1. The Commission to Investigate the History of the Local Workers’ Movement” will have as its central task until October 1982 a “Chronicle of the History of the County Party Organization in Rochlitz.”

In the Third Quarter of 1982, Volume 10 in the series “History of Rochlitz County” will appear. Its title will be: The History of the KPD in Rochlitz County from 1925-1928.

2. The following short training and continuing education classes will be held in 1982:

A course for all party secretaries in the first half of 1982

A course for literature officials in April/May

A course for basic organization secretaries for Agitation/Propaganda in June

A course in May for new propagandists

A course in September/October for propagandists in the Party Education Year and the FDJ Study Year

A short course for members of the Women’s Commission and Veterans Commission in the 4th Quarter of 1982

Candidate courses (each 5 days)

February 1982 — in Penig

June 1982 — in Rochlitz

October 1982 — in Rochlitz

December 1982 — in Rochlitz


All County Boards, county headquarters and mass organizations, including the county headquarters of the National Front, will develop by 15 January 1982 a concrete plan to develop high quality differentiated mass political work.


[Page copyright © 1999 by Randall L. Bytwerk. No unauthorized reproduction. My e-mail address is available on the FAQ page.]

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