German Propaganda Archive Calvin University


How They Lie

But if one thinks that the Christmas picture is the pinnacle of stupid unbelievable lies, he is mistaken. You already know, that in Germany every young man asks the mother and father when he wants the hand of their daughter in marriage. Do you know how such a solemn moment looks?

You must certainly do not know this. The artists of the magazine “Regards” drew this delightful and accurate picture for their 27 October 1938 issue:


This prospective son-in-law uses a pistol to persuade the mother and father to allow him to marry their daughter. According to them, that is one of Hitler’s “customs.”

Are German women and girls really as absolutely stupid and helpless as they seem in this picture? Each one of us knows how in truth, our girls are fresh and free, in the workplace, in sports, on excursions or amusements; they choose the right man for themselves.

We took the trouble to learn if the artist who drew this picture had been taken to a madhouse. But he is still at large.


And here is the truth:

Cruising Germans

German citizens, hardly starving, take a pleasure cruise on a KdF ship.

They find convalescence, delight and strength in the sun and fresh air, and in the cheerful company of their fellow countrymen.

What National Socialist Germany has done and continues to do for working people is unique in the entire world.

The foreign plutocratic countries that are dominated by high finance viewed this new and happy life with envy and ill-will. They never ceased in their endeavor to compel this new Germany into war, to keep it in the same miserable state it was in after the Treaty of Versailles.

But Germany knows what it has to lose. And because it is stronger than the rest of the world, it will end this struggle victoriously.

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[Initial translation by Katherine Lynch. Final page copyright © 2000 by Randall L. Bytwerk. No unauthorized reproduction. My e-mail address is available on the FAQ page.]

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