Background: This pamphlet was published in 1940 with the goal
of preparing Germans to deal with Allied propaganda. The plan was to “innoculate”
Germans so that they would disbelieve claims of German atrocities. It
has 40 pages, and will take you a while to work through. The Niebelungen-Verlag
had close ties to the SS.
The source: Ernst Herbert Lehmann, Wie sie lügen: Beweise feindlicher Hetzpropaganda (Nibelungen-Verlag, 1939/1940).
How They Lie:
Proof of our Enemies’ Malicious Propaganda
by Ernst Herbert Lehmann
[Preliminary translation by Katherine Lynch. Final
page copyright ©2000 by Randall L. Bytwerk. My e-mail address is
available on the FAQ page.]
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