German Propaganda ArchiveCalvin Universityline

Background: This page is part of a larger project to trace the history of World War II as reflected in the headlines of the Völkischer Beobachter, the Nazi Party’s daily newspaper.

September 1943 was not a good month for Germany. Italy collapsed, making it necessary for Germany to divert essential resources to rescue Mussolini and set up a rump Italian state. The news on the Eastern Front was poor. Germans were forced to make major retreats.

Völkischer Beobachter: September 1943

VB Cover

1 September 1943


Polish Emigre General States:

This War Was Forced on Germany

The Enemy Slogan of Summer 1939:

“No More Bloodless Victories for Hitler!”



VB Cover

2 September 1943


47 Terror Bombers Shot Down over Greater Berlin

15 Warships and 70 Merchant Ships Sunk in August

Additional 30 Warships and 580,000 BRT Damaged

VB Cover

3 September 1943



Entering the Fifth Year of War

Germany Is United, Strong, and Powerful


VB Cover

4 September 1943

U.S. War of Nerves in the Far East

Japan Not Impressed by Oral Offensive

“Tokyo Faces Each Battle Confidently”

VB Cover

5 September 1943



Why Mountbatten?

Jewish Ancestry was His Ladder to Fame and Rank



VB Cover

6 September 1943


Bulgaria Bids Farewell to King Boris

The Führer’s Wreath on the Coffin of a Friend of Germany

VB Cover

7 September 1943


Bitter Fighting at the Donbas Bend and near Kharkov

Our Soldiers Display Incomparable Heroism

VB Cover

8 September 1943



British Unions Obey Stalin

The Southport Congress Displays Growing Radicalism



VB Cover

9 September 1943



Stabs an Ally in the Back a Second Time

Italian Government’s Cowardly Betrayal

Badolgio Gives Italy Unconditionally to the Enemy— Countermeasures Taken


The top headline refers to World War I when Italy joined the Allies in 1915.

VB Cover

10 September 1943


Stabbing our Troops in the Back Fails

Disloyalty Found Us Prepared

Military Countermeasures Already in Full Motion


VB Cover

11 September 1943


The Führer Speaks to the German People about Italy’s Betrayal

I Expect that the Nation Will Do Its Duty in All Areas with Bitter Defiance

“We Will Now Continue the Battle Free from All Burdensome Restrictions”

VB Cover

12 September 1943



Germany’s Call: Now More Than Ever!


The lead article by Wilhelm Weiß is titled “The Counter Blow.” It begins: “The entire German people, and also the world public, today are struck by the Führer’s pitiless reckoning with the Badoglio’s treasonous government in his radio speech. The nation owes deepest thanks to the Führer for his words, which shed illuminating light at a critical moment on one of the most infamous treacheries in world history.”

VB Cover

13 September 1943


What Happens to Cowards!

Badoglio’s Armistice —  the Most Dishonorable Document

The Traitorous Clique Surrenders All of Italy to the Enemy — A Blank Check for Further Extortion

14 September 1943


The Leader of the Brilliant and Clever Action — from the Ostmark (the Nazi term for Austria)

How Mussolini Was Freed

The First Telephone Conversation between the Führer and the Duce — High Honors for the Liberators

VB Cover

15 September 1943



The Cowardly Treasonous Trio Flees to Palermo

The King, Crown Prince, and Marshal Seek “Allied Protection”

VB Cover

16 September 1943



London’s Fears about the Situation in Italy

Critical Phase of the Battle of Salerno

VB Cover

17 September 1943


Conversation with the Duce’s Liberators


The article discusses the soldiers who freed Mussolini.

VB Cover

18 September 1943


Battle Morale on the Eastern Front Increases Everywhere

Front Is Shortened to Avoid Unnecessary Casualties


The article says that given the force of the Soviet attack, the front was shortened to free up troops and prevent unnecessary casualties. In other words, the Germans retreated.

VB Cover

19 September 1943

Mussolini’s First Speech after Liberation

“Once Again at Arms at Germany’s Side

The King Fully Responsible: The House of Savoy Betrayed the People to Save the Crown

VB Cover

20 September 1943


Badoglio’s First Treachery Was before the Capitulation

The Treasonous Marshal Received USA Officers in Rome

He Also Gave Them His “Marshal’s Word of Honor”


VB Cover

21 September 1943

The Anglo-American War Goal:

Europe Is to Be Turned Over to the Soviets


A Spanish Newspaper Convicts the Plutocratic Liars

VB Cover

22 September 1943



Washington and Moscow Agree

“Buffer States against the Soviets Outdated”

New American Statements on Bartering Away Southeast Europe

VB Cover

23 September 1943



Decisive Efforts toward Final Victory

Tremendous Increase in Japanese War Production

Tojo: The Results Will Astonish the World

VB Cover

24 September 1943


Ango-American Plans

Dismember Italy

Eden’s Statement: “Sicily Will Be Separated from the Motherland”

VB Cover

25 September 1943


The German Wehrmacht Protects Us from This

Bolshevist Murder Proved in Documents

Official Material on the Mass Murder in Katyn Publicly Revealed         

VB Cover

26 September 1943


The Purpose of the Major Withdrawals

Shortening the Front and Supply Lines, Gaining Strength and Room to Maneuver


The article attempts to explain why German retreats in Russia are militarily advantageous.

VB Cover

27 September 1943


Marshal Graziani Accuses the Traitors:

They Betrayed Allies and the Italian People

Viktor Emanuel and Badoglio Revealed as Cowardly Deserters


Graziani was the only Italian marshal who remained loyal to Mussolini after Italy surrendered.

VB Cover

28 September 1943


Statement on the Anniversary of the Tripartite Pact

A Fighting Community of Life and Death

Ribbentrop: “Neither Bolshevism nor the Anglo-Americans Will Ever Conquer Europe”


VB Cover

29 September 1943



The Führer’s Telegram to the Duce

Italy’s New Form of Government Recognized by Germany

Also Recognized by Japan, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia, and Manchuria

VB Cover

30 September 1943



His Thanks for War Financing

Roosevelt Again Demonstrates his Obedience to the Jews

His Message Attempts to Dampen Growing Antisemitism in the USA

Last edited 2 July 2024

[Page copyright © 2024 by Randall Bytwerk. No unauthorized reproduction. My email address is available on the FAQ page.]

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