Background: This page is part of a larger, and likely unfinishable, project to trace the history of World War II as reflected in the headlines of the Völkischer Beobachter, the Nazi Party’s daily newspaper.
October 1942 was the calm before the storm. Submarine were sinking a lot of Allied ships. The campign in the Soviet Union seemed to be going well, although there were hints of difficulties.. Two issues suggest that the worst was behind Germany. To a German who believed the VB, the future was promising.
1 October 1942
The Führer Opens the Fourth WHW with a Gripping SpeechNo One Will Tear Victory from Us!Adolf Hitler: “We Stand behind Our Soldiers as our Soldiers Stand before Us” |
2 October 1942
A Hard Blow for Roosevelt, Churchill, and StalinOver a Million BRT Sunk in September!1 Cruiser, 11 Destroyers, and 2 Auxiliary Cruisers Destroyed |
3 October 1942
Strong Impact of the Führer Speech throughout the WorldTime is Working Surely for GermanyBig Impact on Opinion in London |
4 October 1942
Rommel before the German and Foreign Press“We Stand at the Gates of Egypt — Ready as Always to Act”Troop Quality and Leadership Create Victory |
5 October 1942
Hermann Göring: “Further Improvements by Breaking the BlockadeAlso in the Food Supply — the Worst Is behind UsThe Reich Marshall Honors Farmers — Two Farmers Awarded the Knight’s Cross |
6 October 1942
Göring’s Speech Smashes England’s Last IllusionsTerritory and Time — Guarantees of German Victory“Times” Admits: The German People is a United Front |
7 October 1942
Enzo Grossi’s Brilliant New Feat of ArmsBattleship of the “Mississippi” Class Sunk off the West-African CoastHit by Four Torpedoes from an Italian U-Boat
A later investigation found that Enzo Grossi had unsuccessfully attacked an American cruiser. |
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8 October 1942
Soviets Must Fight on AloneChurchill and Roosevelt Deaf to Stalin’s PleasTimes: “Something in Our War Organization Is Not in Order |
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9 October 1942 Open Letter to Roosevelt“The USA Is at Risk of Losing the War”“Fortune” Calls for a War Court for Incompetent Government Officials |
10 October 1942
Counterattack Strengthens the FrontMajor Soviet Defeat at IllmenseeOver 3000 Prisoners and 10,000 Dead Bolshevists
| |
11 October 1942
Over 10,000 Kilometers from Their BasesGerman U-Boats Attack near Cape TownMajor New Successes by Our Navy22 Ships totaling 141,000 BRT Sunk |
12 October 1942
Dr. Goebbels Spoke to German WritersIntellectual Achievements — Roots of Our StrengthA Major Affirmation in a Great Age |
13 October 1942
Cowardly Crimes at SercqNew Proof of British Mistreatment of PrisonersSweden: “A Stain on England’s Military Honor” |
14 October 1942
Frantic Searching for Spiritual WeaponsWarming Up Wilson’s BetrayalOfficial USA Radio Announcer Speaks out of School |
15 October 1942
143,000 BRT between Newfoundland and Cape Town!Large Troop Transports SunkIn Tough Pursuit another 18 Ships SunkIrreplaceable Losses of Enemy Shipping |
16 October 1942 Illusionary Plans of Bankrupt WarriorsConcentrated Forces — Not Chaotic Dispersal“Economist”: The Shipping Question Is of Critical Importance |
17 October 1942 British Mistreatment of Prisoners Proven with DocumentsThe OKW Refutes Lying English Statements
The map is of Stalingrad, which the Germans were expecting to capture shortly. |
18 October 1942
Reuter: A Critical Point in the Battle for StalingradCharging into the “Red Barricades”The Powerful German Attack Continues
The article to the top right is titled “The Worst Is behind Us.” |
19 October 1942
Reich Minister Dr. Goebbels Spoke in the Movement’s Capital“Those Who Had Nothing Became Owners”The Greatest Opportunity in Our National History |
20 October 1942 Since the Beginning of the WarOver 8,000 Enemy Planes Shot Down by FlakThe German Flak Soldier is a Master of his Weapon |
21 October 1942
The Last Defense in StalingradStukas Destroy the Steel Plant “Red October”Hard Fighting in Clean-up Operations in the Ruins of the Industrial District |
22 October 1942
New British War CrimesEnglish Bombers Attack German Military Medical FacilitiesCrimes Resulting from Defeats |
23 October 1942
A Document of British BrutalityNo Longer Soldiers, But Rather CriminalsAmerican Magazine Describes with Cynical Openness the Behavior of English “Commandos” |
24 October 1942 Triumph of American HypocrisyUSA Gangsters Pretend to Affirm the Laws of WarThey Fear Punishment for Their War Crimes |
25 October 1942
Roosevelt is the Chief Witness against Churchill“The Geneva Convention — Only a Theory”U.S. President an Incompetent Attorney in Front of the Press |
26 October 1942
104,000 BRT and a Destroyer SunkU-Boats Hunt from Cape Town to the Arctic SeaFirst Sinking at the Mouth of the Congo |
27 October 1942
The Battle in EgyptBritish Counterattack Suffers Heavy Losses104 Enemy Tanks Already Destroyed in Tough Defense |
28 October 1942
Twentieth Anniversary of the March on RomeBeginning of a New Historic EpochMussolini’s Road to Power |
29 October 1942
Festive Beginning of Year XXI of the Fascist Regime“A Turning Point in World History”The Führer’s Message to the King and Duce |
30 October 1942
British Press Worried about the PacificWashington Reckons with the WorstUSA Claims of Success Prove to Be Bluffs |
31 October 1942
The Duce to the Führer“Victory Will Reward Us for Our Sacrifice”A Response to British Arrogance |
[Page copyright © 2022 by Randall Bytwerk. No unauthorized reproduction. My email address is available on the FAQ page.]
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