Background: This page is part of a larger project to trace the history of World War II as reflected in the headlines of the Völkischer Beobachter, the Nazi Party’s daily newspaper.
March 1945 was a dreadful month from the German standpoint. The Russians were coming from the east, the Americans and British from the west. The headlines focussed on defense, not hopes of attack. By this stage of the war, paper shortages meant that most issues were two or four pages.
1 March 1945
“We Will Not Surrender Our Right to Life and Freedom”Radio Speech by Reich Minister Dr. Goebbels on the Military and Political Situation
___________________________________________________ A translation of the speech is available elsewhere on the GPA. |
2 March 1945
The Order of the Hour for Us
3 March 1945
Fight to the Finish |
4 March 1945
Romania Becoming a Soviet State |
5 March 1945 No Issue |
6 March 1945 This Is How German Youth Fight!
_________________________________________________________ The front page includes a report of a speech by Gauleiter Hanke. |
7 March 1945
Moscow’s Murderers in EuropeGuderian — Attorney for Truth |
8 March 1945
Opposing Eisenhower’s Pincher Tactics |
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9 March 1945
Croatia’s Will: Fight! |
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10 March 1945
Stalin’s Law: Murder and Deportation |
11 March 1945
This Is How We Will Defeat the Soviets!Dr. Goebbels Spoke in Lauban and Görlitz
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– A translation of Goebbels’s speech is available elsewhere on the GPA. |
12 March 1945
No Issue |
13 March 1945 No Issue |
14 March 1945 Hatred Our Duty — Revenge Our Virtue |
15 March 1945
Soviet Dynamite throughout the World |
16 March 1945
UNRRA Bankruptcy — Betraying the Peoples |
17 March 1945
Improvisation — A Necessity
_________________________________________________________ The article summarizes an article by Goebbels on the necessity of responding flexibly to the demands of the war. |
18 March 1945
Churchill Betrays Small Nations |
19 March 1945
No Issue |
20 March 1945
Rhinelanders under USA Terror |
21 March 1945 England — Slave to Its Allies |
22 March 1945
Major Battles in the West |
23 March 1945
England — Bolshevism’s Pimp |
24 March 1945
Americans Lose PatienceAnti-Semitism in Roosevelt’s Land |
25 March 1945 Causes of StarvationDestroying Transportation — Anglo-American Guilt
____________________________________________________________ Note: The claim is that by destroying methods of transportation, the Allies are causing starvation in occupied territories |
26 March 1945
No issue |
27 March 1945
Moscow’s March to the MediterraneanLondon’s Facade Collapses Unexpectedly |
28 March 1945
Strategic Development with Dramatic TensionFirm Defense against the Enemy’s General Attack |
29 March 1945 Free Worker or Proletariat?The Soviet-Plutocratic Alliance Represents the World Jewish Community |
30 March 1945 The Great Battle in the WestGerman Measures to Stabilize the Front |
31 March 1945
Hardest Defense in the East and WestSoviets Halted on the Southeastern Border
[Page copyright © 2023 by Randall Bytwerk. No unauthorized reproduction. My email address is available on the FAQ page.]
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