German Propaganda ArchiveCalvin Universityline

Background: This page is part of a larger project to trace the history of World War II as reflected in the headlines of the Völkischer Beobachter, the Nazi Party’s daily newspaper. For some reason I haven't got the coding quote right on this page, but it is usable.

July 1944 was a bad month for Germany. The Allied invasion of France kept making progress. On July 20 an attempt was made on Hitler. At the end of the month Soviet troops were entering what once was Poland. The only good news was the V-1, which got lots of headlines. But the reader could not help but notice that the news was bad.

Völkischer Beobachter: July 1944


VB Cover 1 July 1944


The V-1 Rattles English Phlegmaticism

Will London Have to Be Evacuated?

Residents Victims of Unscrupulous Agitation — Labor Productivity Significantly Reduced — Insufficient Air Raid Shelters

VB Cover

2 July 1944





General Dietl Dies in Accident

The Führer’s Order of the Day

VB Cover

3 July 1944


With the Full Fanaticism of the Nation

The Führer: Absolute Confidence in Our Strength is the Foundation to Overcoming All Difficulties

VB Cover

4 July 1944



Despite Fighters, Bombers, Flak:


The V-1 Strikes Military Staging Areas in England’s South

This issue has a lead article titled “Zionism and Its Dangers” that objects to sending Jews to Palestine, without providing an alternative. Of course, by July 1944 most Jews had already been killed, something the press carefully avoided suggesting most of the tim1

VB Cover

5 July 1944


The Rage of the Trapped Criminals


Effects of the V-1: British Outbreaks of Fear and Hatred

VB Cover

6 July 1944

The Führer Speaks to Leading Men in Armaments

“We Will Survive This Age and Will in the End Win This War!”

“Each Individual Has but a Single Duty, to Fight and Work Unceasingly for Victory!”

VB Cover

7 July 1944


Revenge Makes Churchill Hated

Still No Defense against the V-1

Helpless Anger from the Inventors of Air Terror

VB Cover

8 July 1944

Reich Minister Funk on Currency Policy

“A World Currency is Utopian”

Our Most Important Task is in the Social Realm


The Bretton Woods conference had just met. It discussed the future international financial order.

VB Cover

9 July 1944

Dr. Goebbels Spoke to over 200,000 Germans

“It is a Matter of Life or Death for the Nation”

The Demand of the Hour: Mobilizing All Reserves

Goebbels concluded the speech: “We National Socialists have been through so many crises and tests over the history of our movement and the Reich, and overcome them. We never for a moment doubt our success, and the best guarantee of that is offered by the Führer himself. We look to him with faithful trust. He will lead the nation with a sure hand through all dangers and challenges. His affirmation is also ours, that a battle supported by the whole fanaticism of the nation cannot end other than with a victory.”

VB Cover

10 July 1944

Interim Balance of the Battle in Italy

The Front South of Florence

About 500 Kilometers of Coastal Defense Spared

VB Cover

11 July 1944


London between Illusions and Disillusionment

English V-1 Admissions

Most Strikes in Greater London — Significant Damage — Government Fails

VB Cover

12 July 1944


German-Finnish Military Cooperation Proves Itself

Soviet Offensive in Finland Stopped


VB Cover

13 July 1944


“Buffer State Canada”

The End of the Empire

England Should Leave the USA’s Area of Control

VB Cover

14 July 1944


Witnesses of German Fighting Strength

Fanaticism against Material

The Causes of Heavy Losses by the Invaders in Normandy

VB Cover

15 July 1944

The Big Spender in the White House

What is Roosevelt’s War Costing the USA?


VB Cover

16 July 1944

The Movement’s Capital Is Tested

The Crime of Munich

New Devastation and Destruction of Housing and World Famous Cultural Landmarks

VB Cover

17 July 1944



Normandy Report for England “Highly Depressing”


Enormous Losses, but No Progress



VB Cover

18 July 1944



New British Trick:

French to Bleed Again for England

Because the Invasion Strategy Has Failed

VB Cover

19 July 1944

Morrison’s Speech “Superfluous”

“V-1 Still Cannot Be Stopped”


Morrison was the English Home Secretary. He had said that there was still no way of stopping the V-1, and one should assume they would continue for a long time. The article cites a British newspaper that wrote if that was all he had to say, he should have kept silent.

VB Cover

20 July 1944


Under Fire in the Battle of Normandy


The German Soldier Holds Firm

The article quotes Allied journalists about the effectiveness of German defensive ability.

VB Cover

21 July 1944

The New Battle in the West:

Beginning of the Invasion’s Second Phase

General Enemy Offensive on All Fronts

The item to the upper left reports the first details on the assassination attempt on Hitler the day before. It asserts that his injuries were minor and he had a long conversation with Mussolini.

VB Cover

22 July 1944


We Heard Our Führer’s Voice

Providence Confirms Adolf Hitler’s Mission


The editorial to the right begins: “We need only imagine that the attack on the Führer had succeeded to understand the historic meaning of his wonderful rescue from great and imminent danger. Our fate is in his hands. His faith steels our resistance, his will overcomes all difficulty, his wisdom shows the way to a change in things. Perhaps we could win this war without him, but with him our victory is certain.”

VB Cover

23 July 1944


“Adolf Hitler is Everything to Us!”

The Nation Pledges Him Loyalty to the End

Dr. Ley Expressed the Thoughts of All Germans at a Great Mass Meeting


VB Cover

24 July 1944


General Guderian Reads on the Radio:


The Führer’s Order of the Day to the Army



Discussion of the assassination attempt fills the front page


VB Cover

25 July 1944


The Enemy Camp Deeply Disappointed

Normandy Offensive Collapses

Embarrassed Excuses from the Anglo-Americans


VB Cover

26 July 1944

Why Does the USA Have No Quinine?

Roosevelt Profits from the Death of His Soldiers

The only source of quinine at the beginning of the war was Java, which the Japanese captured in January 1942. Malaria was a major problem for the U.S. in the Pacific. The article claims the shortage was the result of efforts by members of the Roosevelt administration to profit from the lack of the drug
VB Cover

27 July 1944

The Will of the Entire Nation:

Unlimited, Total Use of All Resources and Strengths for Victory

Dr. Goebbels Spoke to the German People

VB Cover

28 July 1944

The Battle in the East Unimaginably Violent

Soldiers and Weapons are the Order of the Day

The article begins: “The battle in the East has reached a level beyond all civilian conceptions.”


VB Cover;

29 July 1944


The Soviet Attack on the Generalgouvernement

The Battle for Time

The Generalgouvernment was the German term for occupied Poland. The article states that the enemy attack is too strong for the German army to stop. The goal is to gain time to train new troops and manufacture new equipment that will permit counterattacks. This is one of the more pessimistic reports.

VB Cover

30 July 1944

Desperate Efforts Using Outdated Military Technology

V-1 Defense Fails Three Ways


The article states that England is using coastal guns, fighter planes, and barrier balloons to stop V-1s, but with limited success.


VB Cover

31 July 1944

With the Approval of Churchill and Roosevelt

Moscow Attacks Poland


Last edited 22 November 2024

[Page copyright © 2024 by Randall Bytwerk. No unauthorized reproduction. My email address is available on the FAQ page.]

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