German Propaganda Archive Calvin University


For many years I’ve had an interest in Julius Streicher, the leading Nazi anti-Semite, who published the weekly newspaper Der Stürmer and was the Nazi Gauleiter, or regional leader, of the Nuremberg area. He was hanged for his anti-Semitic propaganda by the Nuremberg Tribunal. This collection of pictures comes from a variety of sources. I also append some miscellaneous items: a meeting flyer from 1929, a poster advertising a 1939 meeting, a postcard a Stürmer agent could send in to have anti-Semitic information sent to people in his area, the cover of a booklet of Streicher’s letters from prison written during the Nuremberg trials, and a batch of photographs provided to me by a visitor to the site.

For more information, see my book titled Julius Streicher. There are posters from Streicher’s early meetings. There is also a German-language documentary on Streicher (1995) available that has some interesting visual material. Many additional photographs are available for inspection on Getty Images.

Photographs of Julius Streicher

Photograph of Julius Streicher

This photograph shows Streicher speaking during the 1 April 1933 anti-Jewish boycott, of which he was chair.

Source: Illustrierter Beobachter, 15 April 1933.

Photograph of Julius Streicher
This photograph comes from Reichstagung in Nürnberg 1934 (Berlin: C.A. Weller, 1934).
Photograph of Julius Streicher
This postcard shows Streicher speaking at the opening meeting of the 1936 Nuremberg rally. The slogan on the back wall: “A strong Reich is the bulwark of peace.”
Photograph of Julius Streicher
Hitler, Hess, and Streicher at the 1937 Nuremberg rally, taken from Reichstagung in Nürnberg 1937 (Berlin: C.A. Weller, 1937).
Photograph of Julius Streicher
This photograph comes from Das Buch der deutschen Gaue (Bayreuth: Gauverlag Bayerische Ostmark, 1938).
Julius Sreicher photograph
This is the frontpiece from a collection of Streicher's speeches titled Kampf dem Weltfeind (Nuremberg: Verlag Der Stürmer, 1938). He is speaking on the Hesselberg, a substantial hill that was the site of Gau Franconia’s annual rallies.
Julius Streiche photograph
As one of Hitler’s most appreciated early followers, Streicher headed the annual parade in Munich on 9 November that commenorated the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch. This photograph, from 1938, is the last he led.
Photograph of Julius Streicher

This photograph shows Julius Streicher with Roberto Farrinacci, an Italian anti-Semite. They were speaking at a major anti-Semitic rally in Berlin. This was one of Streicher’s last public appearances outside his Gau Franconia, as he was in difficulties that would lead to his exile from Nuremberg a year later.

Source: Illustrierter Beobachter, 2 February 1939.

Photograph of Julius Streicher
This photograph is from the 1930s.
Photograph of Julius Streicher This photograph is also from the 1930s.
Photograph of Julius Streicher

Nazi leaders liked to be photographed with children, as Streicher is in this 1938 photograph.

Source: Franken-Kalender 1939 (Nuremberg: Verlag Fränkische Tageszeitung, 1938).

Photograph of Julius Streicher This photograph shows Streicher upon his capture by Major Henry Plitt, a Jewish officer. Streicher had been posing as an artist, hoping to avoid capture.
1929 meeting flyer

This is a one-sided flyer from 1929 announcing a Streicher meeting. The text:

Who is Julius Streicher? Member of the Bavarian parliament. War veteran (Iron Cross, first class), teacher in Nuremberg. He was the first to begin the battle for National Socialism against the Marxists in Nuremberg in 1920. He was persecuted and taken to court. He was fired after a disciplinary process. He uncovered great corruption by Mayor Luppe (Democrat). He was responsible for putting several prominent Jews like Guggenheim, Meyer and Schleim in prison for rape, etc. Attempts were made on his life. He was imprisoned. Tens of thousands gathered to cheer him upon his release. Today, Nuremberg is a fortess for Hitler’s idea.

This Julius Streicher as well as our party comrade Dr. Rob. Ley will speak on Sunday, 21 April at 5 p.m. in Waldbröl, in the Althoff and Hömann rooms. Topic: The hand of Judah rests heavy on the people.

Workers, farmers, and citizens, do not miss this powerful mass meeting. You will learn about the causes of your misery and how to escape it. Doors open at 4 p.m. Admission: 30 pf. Unemployed with ID 20 pf.

1929 meeting flyer

Streicher even had a military march composed in his honor.

Der Stürmer postcard
This poster advertises one of Streicher’s last major public appearances — a speech to a mass meeting in Berlin On 25 January 1939, where he spoke along with Roberto Farinacci, a leading member of the Italian Fascist Party, and also an enthusiastic anti-Semite. Streicher was already in difficulty for his misdeeds, and Hitler shortly afterwards exiled him to his estate outside Nuremberg, although he was allowed to continue to publish Der Stürmer.
Der Stuermer postcard This is a postcard that Streicher’s agents could send in to Der Stürmer. It asks that anti-Semitic information be sent to a person in the area.
Cover to booklet of Streicher's letters to his wife This is the cover to a booklet of letters from Streicher to his second wife, Adele, written while he was imprisoned during the Nuremberg trials.
Photo Source

The following six photographs were gathered by an American soldier at Streicher’s country estate. They were taken in the 1930s.

I haven’t identified the other people in the photographs. If you think you recognize any of them, drop me an e-mail.

Streicher material
Streicher material
Streicher material
Streicher material

Last edited 18 April 2024

Page copyright ©2006 by Randall L. Bytwerk. No unauthorized reproduction. My email address is available on the FAQ page.

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