German Propaganda Archive Calvin University

Background: This is the introduction by Alfred Rosenberg to a 1927 Nazi book on the Nuremberg party rally of that year.

The source: Alfred Rosenberg and Wilhelm Weiß, Reichsparteitag der NSDAP Nürnberg 19./21. August 1927 (Munich: Verlag Frz. Eher, 1927).

Nuremberg 1927

by Alfred Rosenberg

The days from 19 to 21 August 1927 are unforgettable for all the participants. Not only party members, but also the citizens of Nuremberg realized that here, finally, primeval German will was once again on display. That will has a clear goal. The thousands of S.A. men who marched past their Führer, gazing proudly on him with shining eyes, returned home with the assurance that the Führer was also proud of them. He saw the best German blood go past him, just as in 1914 when he, yet unknown, joined the great army marching toward the border to help rescue Germany.

All National Socialists were proud that there was not a single conflict during the Nuremberg rally, despite the huge crowds. This is final proof of the fact that where National Socialism dominates the field, the German people’s community becomes a reality. The Marxists, as long as they were solid German workers, gave up all their protests and did not following the incitement of their leaders-betrayers. Yes, many citizens of Nuremberg saw to their astonished pleasure that German workers of the mind and hand, many of whom were known to be Social Democrats, were apparently overcome by the impression of the Swastika army and put on badges with our swastika and eagle. In working class districts where a National Socialist hardly dared enter in 1920 or even 1922, swastika banners were hanging from the fourth and fifth floor windows. These German workers had wakened from the betrayal of Marxism, and we raised our hands to them in the hope that they will one day join us, just like the whole group of former Red Fronters who on Sunday, 21 August, put on Adolf Hitler’s swastika arm band.

All this together reaffirmed the view that a National Socialist Party Rally is not a rally of the normal sort, but rather a rally of the people in the best sense of the word. The men who marched on the path to Germany’s future, the women who spread millions of flowers in greeting, they all testified that the will is the driving element in all that we do. This fiery will inspires and imbues first of all the so varied thousands, and also gives the National Socialist view of the state its characteristic marks. A National Socialist party rally is most evident not in technical discussions, but rather everywhere it steels the will, wherever it builds people.

The German people are the first and most important task of our movement. Only when the core is sure will our radical financial and economic program have any chance at all. National Socialism first of all is a matter of character. The heart of our doctrine in the midst of a collapsed world is bringing out the fundamental values of character of the German people, the ideas of honor and freedom both in the personal and general senses. The old “national” parties failed the test of character, and the Internationale has proven itself the enemy of German values from the very beginning.

National Socialist thinking is clear and determined. Its values are seen not so much in elegant formulations as in the shining eyes of its brown ranks and in the passion of its adherents.

Each of us returned from Nuremberg with renewed strength. Even the least among us knows that he has a great task, so great that it is worth more than a single life. That which was formerly recognized by individuals is beginning to become a mass movement today. This movement will build the first genuine German national state, in contrast to former religious and dynastic states. Nuremberg 1927 gave us the firm foundation. Now we must continue to work! Tirelessly until the army of the swastika is victorious.

[Page copyright © 1999 by Randall Bytwerk. No unauthorized reproduction. My e-mail address is available on the FAQ page.]

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