Background: After 1933, the annual Nazi Nuremberg Party Rallies
were events of national, even international interest. Four rallies had
been held before that, however: Munich (1923), Weimar (1926) and Nuremberg
(1927 and 1929). The Nazis published a 62-page booklet to commemorate
the 1927 rally, which was a milestone in Nazi history. The Nazis had recovered
from Hitler’s imprisonment after the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch, and though
still an insignificant movement nationally were able to bring tens of
thousands of their followers to Nuremberg to put on a show that impressed
Nazis from the provinces at least as much as it impressed the citizens
of Nuremberg.
The source: Alfred Rosenberg and Wilhelm Weiß, Reichsparteitag
der NSDAP Nürnberg 19./21. August 1927 (Munich: Verlag Frz. Eher,
The 1927 Nuremberg Rally
Table of Contents
Nürnberg 1927
The National Socialist National
Party Rally: Prelude and General Impressions
The Delegates’ Congress speeches by Hitler
and Goebbels
Torchlight Procession, Consecration
of Banners, and Mass March
The Results of Special Meetings
The National Socialist Party Rally and the Press
[Page copyright © 2000 by Randall Bytwerk. No
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