Background: By July 1944 the Nazis had killed millions of Jews. Although rumors were widespread (as one writer put it, Germans knew enough to know they did not want to know any more), there were few references to mass annihilation in the press. People, however, could read between the lines... In this article from the Nazi Party’s daily newspaper, the writer says sending Jews to Palestine would be a bad idea — but does not suggest what else might be done with them.
The source: Walter Freund, “Der Zionismus und seine Gefahren,” Völkischer Beobachter (Vienna edition), 4 July 1944, pp. 1-2.
by Walter Freund
The invasion has been underway for four weeks. Whether humanity’s future will be determined by Jewish high finance or through the free will of the striving gentile peoples depends on this final stage of this vast struggle. Increasingly the peoples sense that this battle is no longer about winning territory, not about the Freemasonic phrases of the Stalin-Roosevelt-Churchill triumvirate, but about something more powerful: the liberation from the yoke of these tyrannies, from the yoke of high finance, from the chains of the Jewish World Moloch.
The enormous effects and power of the supranational is openly in action, however hard it is for the masses of working humanity to understand! This evil was summoned by the Jew Theodor Herzl, the “father of Zionism,” whose died forty years ago on 4 July. This year Jewry will celebrate this holiday with particular pleasure. He actually succeeded in leading the world once again to the battlefield, transforming Herzl’s “prophesies” into fact.
The “Battle of Zion” is as old as the “Diaspora.” Since the Jews were driven from Palestine in 70 A.D., Jewry longed to return to “Erez Israel,” without succeeding over the course of 1900 years. Although Jewry was always well organized and chased its fantasies in its self-chosen ghettos, it could not realize its dreams because it lacked political power and the necessary money! Even today the Orthodox Jew prays three times daily that “our eyes may see the splendor of the temple in Jerusalem” and believes firmly that his dead body will “roll under the earth” to final judgment in Palestine, but this “Messianic faith” could not be realized before Herzl. After Moses Montefiore explored the undeveloped and unexplored Palestine about a hundred years ago with Rothschild financial support and Nathan Rothschild and others descendants strongly supported “pre-Zionist” efforts, the systematic settlement of Palestine failed because Judah’s political power had not yet reached the strength it has today.
Herzl created both. Spurred on by the notorious Dreyfus Affair in 1894, this agent of the Neue Free Precise wrote his famous pamphlet The Jewish State, which today is known as the “Bible of World Jewry” (Nahum Sokolow). Only 96 pages long, the book found such a reception in Orthodox circles that Herzl could decide a year after publication to call the first “Zionist Congress” in Basel. It drew 197 mostly Orthodox Jews from Russia. It was the birth of “Zionism.” The “longing for Zion” received a clear political shape, and a political program was created that contained immutable points for decades! With astonishing clarity Herzl recognized that “the Jewish question is a national question that must be solved within the “council of the civilized peoples” (p. 12). Here we need only think of the League of Nations, created by high level Freemasons along with Jewry — this ominous “council of civilized peoples” — to see Judah’s political power.
“The nations in whose midst Jews live are all either covertly or openly Anti-Semitic,” Herzl wrote on page 24, accusing the Jews at the same time with the reason: “When we (Jews) sink, we become a revolutionary proletariat, the subordinate officers of all revolutionary parties; and at the same time, when we rise, there rises also our terrible power of the purse!” Here Herzl gave expression to the undermining effects and revolutionary drives of Judah in terms that can hardly be surpassed! At the same time, with a wink, he told Jewish financial barons to take up the Zionist cause and put gentile peoples in service to this Jewish cause. It is always the same, whether it was Trotsky, Sinowjew, Jacob Schiff and others who brought the once anti-Jewish tsardom to collapse, or Lassalle, Marx-Mardochai, Preuß, and Rathenau who undermined Germany. Or Baruch, Warburg, Rosemann, Frankfurter, Morgenthau who got the USA into the war, or the Jews in London around Rothschild, Melchett, Marks, Spencer and others who were an “advance guard,” it was always Jews who served the Zionist cause.
Herzl not only foresaw the “League of Nations,” the “Society of the Jews,” Jewish financial firms and political organizations, but also worked to develop and establish them. All of today’s Jewish societies are more or less interested in in building up Palestine and driving out the Arabs, and all are subordinate to the central organization founded in New York in 1906, the “American Jewish Committee.” When the “Jewish program” was first published, it seemed to border on nonsense to think that land belonging to Turkey could be gained through diplomatic means. Turkey absolutely refused to give up the land. Herzl turned to the Grand Duke of Baden, to Pope Leo XIII, and finally to the then Lord Chamberlain, Lord Salisbury and Viktor Emmanuel, all of whom gave him their full sympathy. Finally Herzl managed an audience with the German Kaiser Wilhelm II during the course of his visit to Palestine in 1899, to whom he presented Judah’s messianic dreams.
The plan always failed because Jewry was not yet politically organized and focused financially on Palestine. In all countries and cities a network of national and local groups developed which formed an enormous spy network around the world! Zionist congresses were held every two years in Switzerland until the World War brought about a sudden transformation: the then British Foreign Secretary James Balfour signed the notorious “declaration” that bore his name on 2 November 1917. Desperate Albion bought “victory” through the entry of America into the war with this declaration, arranged by Lord Walther Rothschild. World Jewry had its “Jewish state.” The peoples were reduced to begging as a result of this Jewish world war, and the Jewish “nation,” as the only country without debts, was the victor.
Palestine as a Jewish state had, however, one painful disadvantage to Jewry. It was a British mandate and was ruled from London. England did not seem to want to give up the land voluntarily, so a new war needed to be incited to achieve the last Jewish goal outlined by Herzl. Would not giving Palestine to the Jews be justified to achieve peace between the peoples? Did not Jewry have the right to its own state, just as every other nation in the world?
This question is always asked since the foundation in every country of “pro-Palestinian committees.” The answer is a simple “no.” Jewry wants to settle Palestine with poor Orthodox Jews to bring about a “Hebrew Renaissance,” but that would require expelling the Arabs from the land. More than that, Judah wants merely to establish a central state from which the gentile world can be ruled and exploited. From “Zion’s heights” the Jews would then exploit the nations enslaved by Wall Street, putting them in the straitjacket of a collective system so that they could fully enjoy their sadistic lust for power over gentile humanity. Were they to realize this satanic plan, they would visit the enslaved peoples with a Hebrew passport in their pocket and chain them to the central committee in Palestine.
There is no question but that this plan must be defeated! The battle at the Atlantic Wall will also solve this problem and destroy Judah’s power.
Last edited 22 November 2024
[Page copyright © 2024 by Randall Bytwerk. No unauthorized reproduction. My e-mail address is available on the FAQ page.]
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