Each section had a numerical heading. In some cases, both publications had the same numbered section, in which case the Wochendienst would provide more details. Sometimes, a numerical heading would be found only in one of the two. For general information about the ZD, see Robert Young, “‘Not this way please!’ Regulating the Press in Nazi Germany,” Journalism Quarterly (1987), 787-792.
The source: Zeitschriften-Dienst, 5 February 1943.
Issue 195/65 — 5 February 1943 — Numbers 8312-8351
The heroic battle at Stalingrad has reached its end. This moving event, which casts even the greatest heroic military deeds of the past into the shadows, must be presented by magazines as an example of the highest heroism and complete willingness to sacrifice for the victory of the German people. The word Stalingrad must become a holy symbol for the German people. The immortal heroism of the men of Stalingrad will unleash even more than before the spirit and strength of the German nation, which will ensure the victory it is now even more fanatically determined to win.
In the coming months, there is but one task for the editor: the battle against Bolshevism and Jewry! We must ask and answer the question for our readers coldly and clearly as to what Germany, what Europe, has to expect were they to fall victim to Bolshevism. Bolshevism is Jewry’s accomplice. There is a line beginning with the Jew Kaufman’s plan for sterilization that leads through the American Professor Renner’s plan to dismember our territory to Constantine Brown’s plan for Bolshevization. Now International Jewry has dropped the mask, making it clear to the world that the USA and England cannot defend Europe from Bolshevism. They do not even want to.
There is but one defense against Jewish Bolshevism’s will to destruction: the German army. It and its allies are defending the life and culture of Europe. They resist the ever-recuring attacks of the Bolshevist masses. In view of the fateful conflict being fought today in the East, the most important task of all German magazines is to support and increase the determination of the German people and its allies to defend and to win. Readers must see clearly the nature of the Bolshevist threat. It must be shown repeatedly that Bolshevism means either destruction of life-long slavery for everyone. the article “Europe’s Deadly Enemy: Bolshevism” (8313) in the Deutscher Wochendienst provides material for handling these important political themes. The destruction, slavery and misery that Jewish-led Bolshevism have brought about in the Soviet Union would be repeated in even large measure in Germany and Europe, were it to succeed in breaking the protective wall of the German army in the East and the iron wall of German determination in the homeland. All articles based on the material in the Deutscher Wochendienst must be written from the standpoint of the threatening Jewish-Bolshevist danger. It must be clearly shown that danger weakens only the weak. For people who are fighting for their lives, and for their highest values, however, it awakens those strengths that overcome the greatest resistance. We expect magazines will deal with this not only in a single article, but rather in their whole direction and layout.
The Zeitschriften-Dienst has written often of the necessity to awaken all the German people’s powers of resistance. The Deutscher Wochendienst shows what has happened to peoples who fell into the power of Jewry. Here one can refer to the Führer’s statement that at the end of the war, there will be only survivors and the destroyed. In mentioning the firm intention of Jewry to destroy all Germans, their will to self-defense should be strengthened. It would naturally be wrong to paint this serious situation worse than it is, or to overestimate the power of Jewry. Religious discussions about the relationship between Jewry and Christianity are equally out of place. The Deutscher Wochendienst provides much supporting material and suggestions for themes.
Jewry’s declaration of war against Europe’s peoples has aroused not only Germany, but in many other European states, to energetic measures against Jewry. The Deutscher Wochendienst recommends that magazines carry general stories about the state of this battle in Europe, and provides materials and topics. In these articles, it should be stressed that, because of its racial nature, Jewry is the enemy of all progress and peaceful life. Out of self-preservation, the peoples are compelled to protect themselves against destructive Jewish forces. The present war, which was started by World Jewry, proves the strength of those forces. The victory of German and allied troops will also be a victory over World Jewry, and will lay the foundation for a peaceful future. — We want to avoid any criticism of the measures of individual countries against the Jews, along with comments on their effectiveness or the degree to which they are implemented.
Each magazine editor must constantly remember that the age of cabinet wars is over. It is a matter of the life or death of our entire people. There is no clear boundary between the battlefield and areas not affected by the war. That is true not only of territory, but of the individual and his personality. Not only the preparation for total war is necessary, but total war itself. Work has become military service. We must make clear to our readers that we are no longer working to sustain ourselves, but to fulfill our duty. Magazines must focus on the correct propagandistic support of women. A great many women whose men are on the military feel the obligation to do something for the state, given the support they receive. Many women will also feel a duty to lead a life like their men at the front. The front soldier is in much the same situation as the woman who goes from her house to the factory. Each must be ready for any task. There is a “front spirit” in the homeland, too. Factory communities substitute for the family communities disrupted or endangered by the war. However, it would be wrong to use the regulations on work duty to launch domestic polemics against shirkers and malingerers. Those who do not want to work will not escape, even without the assistance of the press. Instead, stress that despite the strains on our labor force, we are still in a better position than England or the Soviet Union. The Deutscher Wochendienst provides more details.
The heavy demands on individuals working in war industries or other jobs in the homeland and the military necessity of restrictions on the food supply bring increased susceptibility to illness, or at least increase its likelihood. The increased employment of foreign labor in the German armaments industry also increases the possibility of illnesses and diseases. There is a danger that diseases previously eliminated in Germany might reappear. This makes it essential to inform our people about the comprehensive measures on the part of the German public health services, and the successful work of German researchers. Guaranteeing the military strength, the food supply, and the heath of the whole people are equally important parts of the total war effort. This must be made very clear. It should be stressed that, in the fourth year of war, the health of the German people is good. Statistical data should be avoided, other than the most general statistics intended for the public. Stories about new but yet unproven medical treatments should also be avoided. The Deutscher Wochendienst provides more detailed information, as well as suggestions for articles.
The involvement of all German women in the labor force requires greater rationalization in household work to maintain the strength and energy of the housewife. Everything is done in German factories to ease women’s work as much as possible. Household work also needs greater rationalization. Since the resistance to better ways often comes from the housewife herself, who does not want to give up the “good old ways,” women’s and family magazines have the important task of always giving women practical suggestions that will convince them of the necessity and importance of saving time and energy. The Deutscher Wochendienst carries suggestions on these lines, which magazine should best put in entertaining form.
Grain reserves are now at their highest point, since farmers attempt to thresh as much as possible before spring orders and because there are deadlines for deliveries. As is known, bad weather this past winter reduced the wheat harvest to below that of the previous year. Thus, as the Deutscher Wochendienst reports confidentially, our bread will be modifed. It will be 75% rye and 25% barley. The latter will include 4% potato flour. Practically, the new bread is better than the old, since its moisture content is less. As many potatoes as possible will be made available for swine feed. The slaughterhouses have reached a certain level of quality and quantity, depending primarily on cattle. The milk supply to the dairies is about average across the Reich, with a slightly increasing trend as more cows are calving. Butter production is up several percent from last year. Since the weather is better, hens are laying more eggs, but egg production is only sufficient to cover the needs of hospitals. The potato supply depends on household supplies and the shops. The need for vegetables is covered by cabbage and root vegetables. Supplies of German fruits are exhausted. In the coming weeks, we expect mandarins and oranges from Spain, but fewer than in the past year.
The following dates on the calendar for May 1943 in the Deutscher Wochendienst are of particular importance: NSDAP: 10 years of the NSV [the Nazi Party charity] (3.1933); Konstantin Hierl takes control of the labor service as state secretary (34.1933); 10 years of the German Labor Front (10.1933). Reich history: the Führer’s state visit to Italy (2-10.1938); 10 years of the Reichsstand des Deutschen Handwerks (4.1933); Göring is Reich Air Minster for 10 years (5.1933); Schlageter shot (26.1923). Literature: Carl Hauptmann born (11.1858). Science: Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl born (6.1823); death of Nithard, Frankish historian (15.843); death of Copernicus (24.1543); Jacob Burckhardt born (25.1818). Music: Karl Michael Ziehrer born (2.1843); Richard Wagner born (22.1813). The visual arts: Anton von Werner born (9.1843); founding of the Society of German Artists (21.1933); Olaf Gulbrannson born (26.1873). Natural sciences: death of Julius Plücker, mathematician and physicist (22.1868); Professor Georg Wegener, East Asian expert, born (31.1863). Economics and technology: founding of the Technical Museum for Industry and Commerce, Vienna (6.1918); invention of the first stereoscopic camera by C. P. Goerz (15.1893). Women: death of Charlotte von Kalb (15.1893); Opening of the first bridal school of the Deutsches Frauenwerk in Schwanenwerder (18.1938).
Italy celebrates the 20th anniversary of its air force on 28 March. This 20th anniversary — just as the 20th anniversary of the March on Rome — will be celebrated by the entire Italian population. It must also be used by German magazines as an opportunity to write about the oft-tested power of the Italian air force and the war tasks it has accomplished along with the German Luftwaffe. The unbreakable German-Italian military brotherhood, and in particular its air force, should be stressed. We want to avoid giving figures, mentioning cities with air force bases, and numerical comparisons between the Italian and German air forces. The Deutscher Wochendienst provides the necessary material. It covers the development of the Italian air force before the World War, and emphasizes the dates relevant to the Duce’s contributions to the development of the new air force. A list of important publications in German and Italian is also included.
The anniversaries in April 1943 are particularly suited to demonstrating the lack of conscience of English power politics. The alliance between England and Poland — signed on 6 April 1939 — was a step in England’s attempt to encircle the Reich. The Führer’s action against Norway and Denmark (9 April), the battle for and the occupation of Norway, as with the occupation of Greece and the destruction of the Yugoslavian state, were necessary countermeasures against England’s constant attempts to drive small states into a senseless war against Germany. The incomparable achievements of German soldiers in conquering Narvik and Crete should be particularly emphasized.
Frederick the Great’s minister of culture, Karl Friedrich Freiherr von Zedlitz, can be praised on the 150th anniversary of his death on 11 March. His accomplishments in higher education should be stressed, particularly the introduction of the Arbitur test. — Furthermore, the 65th birthday of Prof. Dr. Karl Christ, the director of the manuscript department of the Prussian State Library, on 16 March can be used to cover the manuscript collection and research with it. The 150th birthday of the linguist Karl Lachmann on 14 March, who developed the laws of textual criticism, can also be mentioned.
The important statement by Reich Minister Speer should be commented upon in an appropriate manner.
This notice from the German Commercial Service is not suited for publication.
It is requested that the naval propaganda company report by Herbert Sprang on supplying U-boats with fuel not be used to particularly stress the tanker and supply system for U-boats. The military desires that coverage of the new method be limited to this propaganda company report.
There is to be no comment on his appointment.
This should not be mentioned until there is an official announcement.
In view of the fact that the leaders of foreign health organizations are often termed “health leaders” in the German press, you are reminded that the term is restricted to the Reich Health Leader.
This may not be published until the corresponding law is announced.
In view of current conditions, the theater week scheduled for 7-14 February in Göttingen should not be particularly stressed. The same is true for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Essen Opera and for the student culture week in Prague from 7-14 February.
The announcement in the VB of 28 January 1943 on the establishment of this center should not be reprinted.
The forthcoming reductions in the clothing industry and the reduction of the work force in women’s clothing make it necessary that all fashion magazines and magazines with a fashion section restrict their material to practical advice for women that can help them in the current situation. The most important is to constantly emphasize the theme “something new from something old,” particularly in the case of children’s clothing. Fashion suggestions should either be purchasable or makeable for the readers.
Friedrich Wilhelm Graf von Schmettau, the developer of the first general staff maps. was not born on 12.4.1743, as reported in item 8157, but rather in April 1742. Treatment of his 200th birthday is therefore inappropriate.
In covering the overview on the population successes of National Socialism, as reported in Wirtschaft und Statistik, #1 (1943), the general guidelines for treating population matters should be followed. Avoid exaggerations. The renewed desire of our people to have children may be stressed, as well as the fact that within nine years 2.83 million more children have been born in the Reich than would have been born if the birthrate had remained at the level of 1933. Stress this: a family with many children is the normal family. However, given the demands of the war and the lower number of those born during 1915-1918, be cautious about predictions for the future.
In Ankara, the exhibition on “New German Architecture” has opened. The official report should be discussed. Reich Minister Speer is the organizer of the exhibition, in his role as the General Building Inspector for the Reich Capital. During the exhibition, it is expected that the architect Professor Bonat, recently the recipient of the Goethe Prize, will give two speeches in Stuttgart. These also should be covered.
The notice appearing in the Reichsanzeiger (30.1) on the increase in the capital of the Fernglas GmbH, part of the Hermann Göring enterprise (Braunschweig), should not be covered, also not by the trade press.
Last edited 17 June 2024
[Page copyright © 2004 by Randall L. Bytwerk. No unauthorized reproduction. My e-mail address is available on the FAQ page.]
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