German Propaganda Archive Calvin University


Background: German propaganda displayed the Soviet Union as the center of the alleged Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. The presentation of the USSR changed significantly as the war started to go badly for Germany.

The source: Taken from my own collection or from the University of Heidelberg’s on-line collections. Theirs are available under a Creative Commons License.

Nazi Caricatures of the Soviet Union

Nazi caricature of Russia

Caption: “Winter Relief in Russia.”

The Winterhilfswerk was the Nazi Party charity to provide assistance for those in need in winter. This cartoon suggests that the Soviets have a program as well: shipping people to Siberia.

Source: Brennessel, #42/1937. My collection.

Nazi caricature of Russia

Caption: “Soviet espionage by children.” The young lad says: “I’m turning in my father. He has something against Stalin.”

The Soviets did actually did glorify a 13-year-old boy named Pavel Morozov who allegedly put loyalty to the state above loyalty to his family, although much of the story seems an invention of Soviet propaganda.

Source: Brennessel, #38/1938. My collection.

Nazi caricature

Caption: “Too late!”

A Jew is preparing the Soviet bear for an attack on Germany, but before he can get the attack going Germany takes action. This was published just after the invasion of the Soviet Union began. It supported the Nazi claim that Hitler had acted just in time to prevent a Soviet assault not only on Germany, but on all of Europe.

Source: Fliegende Blätter, #31/1941. My collection.

Nazi caricature

Caption: “The threat from the steppes.”

This appeared just after the defeat at Stalingrad. The Soviets are no longer portrayed as an easily defeated bear.

Source: Kladderadatsch, #9/1943. Heidelberg collection.

[Page copyright © 2015 by Randall L. Bytwerk. No unauthorized reproduction. My e-mail address is available on the FAQ page.]

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