The “whip.” Enemy papers excitedly write
that Hitler
always carries a riding whip. In reality, it is a dog whip that
the Führer carries today as a reminder of the time when
he could carry no weapon at all. Then the whip was his only defense... |
As the battle began... this is a picture of the Führer
from 1919, when Hitler began calling the German people to resistance
at ever larger meetings. |
The earliest picture of the Führer at the begining of his political
activity: Dedicating flags on Mars Field in Munich in 1923. |
After a 3 hour meeting, the Führer strides exhausted
through the lines of SA and SS comrades, surrounded by the cheers
of thousands who now have new faith and new hope. |
The Speaker. The National Socialist German Workers Party
grew through mass propaganda. Even today Hitler is not only the
Führer, but also the best propagandist of his movement.
His words fall like hammer blows in the hearts of the tens of
thousands who hear him: “One does not beg for his rights,
one fights for them.” |
The hands of the Führer organize his speech. This picture captures
Hitler's hands as he speaks of the unity of the National Socialist
and socialist ideas. |
On the train. When winter makes roads impassible for automobiles,
the Führer travels by train. Otherwise, Hitler always travels
in his own car, a large Mercedes, which brings him safetly to
his destination and saves time. |
Here, too, Hoffmann gives him no peace. |
When evil men wanted to hurt him deeply, they poisoned his
favorite dog. That is how evil fights a good person.. |
In his beloved mountains. From time to time the Führer
visits his “villa” in the Bavarian Alps for a few hours
or days. He has a small wooden house that his sister purchased.
There he finds the inner strength for new tasks. |
A photograph accidentally becomes a symbol. Adolf Hitler,
the supposed “heretic,” leaves the Marine Church in
Wilhelmshaven. |
Even the youngest want to take Hitler’s picture.... |
On the Pier. A short rest during a trip to East Prussia. |
Adolf Hitler’s life style is simple. He never drinks alcohol
and does not smoke. |
Hitler Youth. Even the youngest fight for him.... |
The Brown House in Munich is the goal of S.A. men from all
regions of Germany. How their eyes glow when the Führer
is with them! |