The images are thumbnails.
The Flamethrower
The cover. The caption at the bottom: “The people rise up!” |
Page 2: The main headline, running over to
the next page, is: “The [Weimar]
system came to power through murder and terror!” The
top picture is captioned “Barricades.” The text: “Red
murder raged in the cities. Noske (the defense minister during the
revolution) estimated that 1200 people died in Berlin alone in March [1919]. The center
left photo is captioned: “Revolutionary’ Criminal Types.”
The text: “The first ‘action’ of the revolution was to open
the prisons and arm the criminals.” The bottom right photo
is captioned: “The Results of Revolt.” “Erzberger
has to wait until the arrogant ‘victor’ is ready to receive the
German representatives.” The text at the bottom left is: “Front
soldiers cross the bridges over the Rhine carrying the black-white-red
flag. They were not yet infected by the ‘warriors at home.’ The
result of the Marxist-led revolution was Germany’s unconditional
surrender. Our soldiers at the front were stabbed in the back by
Jewish agitators, deserters, and people without a conscience. Ebert
and Scheidemann, standing to the right, were the fathers of the
revolution. Don’t they look like two well-fed citizens?” |
Page 3: The top right photo: “The wall in the Luitpold
Gymnasium in Munich, before which innocent hostages (including
a woman) were murdered by bestial Marxists.” The caption to
the center right photo: “An apartment in Munich destroyed during
the Soviet Republic.” bottom right: “A destroyed church
facility. Churches were plundered by the Marxist criminals. The
caption of the center document photo: “The command to murder
the hostages.” The center text: “During the most fateful
hour in the history of the German nation, Marxism unleashed its
long-planned revolt, thus stabbing fighting soldiers at the
front in the back. The System then ruled Germany for fourteen years.
For fourteen years, Germany suffered poverty and misery. Fourteen
years of their policies have brought Germany to the edge of the
abyss. The left top caption: “The basement of the Liutpold
Gymnasium in Munich, where the Red Guards imprisoned the hostages
before shooting them. bottom left caption: “While civil war
raged in Germany, misery took its course. In Versailles, the Social
Democrat Müller and the Center Party man Bell signed the “peace
treaty,” which, besides everything else, said that Germany
bore the sole guilt for the war.” |
Page 4: The caption running over to page 5: “The system
means poverty and misery.” Below it, the caption reads: “6
million unemployed, 6 million starving!” The four people shown:
“General Groener, to whom the soldier’s oath
is merely an idea. Known for his hatred of the NSDAP. He lost his
office because he banned the National Socialist S.A., but considered
the civil war army of the Reichsbanner [the
Social Democratic Party’s paramilitary group] a
pillar of the state. Bernard Weiß, the Jewish
vice president of the Berlin police. The National Socialists in
the Prussian Parliament have established ‘Bernhard Weiß Chicago
Committee.” The Jewish vice president of police has been charged
by his own criminal police of organizing and protecting an illegal
gambling club, in which he is an eager participant. Albert
Grczesinski, police president of Berlin. He had to disappear
as a Prussian minister because of his love affair with Daisy (he
was married). He held on as police president, however. Such a man
can never be allowed to say: ‘Hitler should be chased out of Germany
with a dog whip.’ Dr. Hilferding, the father of
inflation, a Jewish gynecologist from Vienna. He was Reich Finance
Minister in 1933, and declared on 31 August 1923 that the danger
of a further decline in the mark was past. Nonetheless, the mark
continued to fall. In September 1923, a dollar was worth 130,000,000
marks. In November 1923, it reached 4.2 billion marks.” The
center left photo: “Social Democratic bigwigs enjoy themselves
in the Reichstag restaurant.” Center right photo: “Sklarek’s
[a Jew involved in a major Berlin
financial scandal] villa, scene of drinking bouts
with Marxist city councilors. The two bottom photos: “But
the unemployed stand in line at the unemployment office and the
unemployed are ruthlessly evicted.” |
Page 5: Top right: “Brüning speaks at a meeting of
the foreign press association shortly before his fall from power:
‘The fundamental problem that concerns us day and night is the problem
of unemployment.’” Under that: “Down with the system of
emergency decrees.” The photo to the upper right: “The
unemployed outside the unemployment office in Neukölln.”
Below that: “Shipping and commerce have ceased.” Middle
right photo: “They are looking for a job.” Banner below:
“Put new men at the rudder! Vote NSDAP List 2.”
General Epp, the liberator of Munich, Dr.
Goebbels, the conqueror of Berlin, Gregor Strasser,
the honored early battler for National Socialism, Baldur
von Schirach, the national leader of the National Socialist
youth.” |
Page 6: National Socialism brings: Peace, prosperity, jobs, and food. |
Page 7: “Germany is waking up! In every Gau in
the German nation, Adolf Hitler is calling an awakening people to
fight for freedom.” Picture to the upper left: “Hitler
during a stop in Danzig during his aerial tour of Germany.”
Picture to the center right: “Hitler leaving the newly established
National Socialist business office.” Captions to the lower
right: “Hitler leads the S.A., the youth greets the future
leader of Germany, Hitler speaks with farmers in Mecklenburg.” |
Page 8: “Millions expect, millions trust, millions hope
for Adolf Hitler. They all believe in Adolf Hitler.” |