German Propaganda Archive Calvin University

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Background: The following editorial by Julius Streicher comes from Der Stürmer. It appeared in August 1939, just before the outbreak of the war. For more information on the Stürmer and its editor, see my book on Julius Streicher.

The source: Julius Streicher, “Weg zur Versklavung,” Der Stürmer, #34/1939.




The Way to Slavery

by Julius Streicher

The Jews never had a homeland or a fatherland. Their origin is as mysterious as that of the Gypsies. We do know this much: The Jews came from the Middle East to Europe through Constantinople and the Iberian Peninsula, where it nears Africa. They have lived among the nations of Europe for many centuries. Their outward appearance and spiritual characteristics quickly distinguished them from the blond, blue-eyed Nordic peoples. The instincts of Nordic blood and bad experiences soon led the European nations to protect themselves from the Jews through legislation. As a foreign people, Jews were prohibited from having a role in the personal lives of the host nations. Particular care was taken to exclude the Jews from any role in government.

The Jews came to Europe with the concealed aim of sooner or later destroying the peoples living there. From the beginning, they worked to eliminate those restrictive laws. They went about it by promoting false ideas. They went so far as to persuade the guest peoples to believe that a Jew could become a Gentile. People began to believe that Jews could become French in France, English in England, Spanish in Spain, Italians in Italy, etc. He who opposed the idea was said to be a barbarian or an enemy of humanity. The revolution the Jews brought about at the end of the 18th century in France and in other nations eliminated these laws or rendering them impotent. The revolutions incited by the Jews in the middle of the 19th century also brought the Jewish plan of emancipation (the elimination of anti-Jewish legislation) closer to reality. The end of the World War brought equality to the Jews in Russia, Germany, and other states. Over the corpses of the greatest and most significant war of the modern era, Pan-Jewry could gloat at winning a victory over the peoples of Europe that World Jewry had dreamed of for centuries.

After the World War, no nation in Europe would have dared to deny the Jews a role in leading peoples and nations. So sure were they of their power that they dared to put full-blooded Jews at the head of German provincial governments, and even placed Jews in the position of Reich minister. The Jew Walter Rathenau was the embodiment of the Jewish drive for world domination in those days when Germany was betrayed and enslaved.

National Socialism in Germany and Fascism in Italy have put an end to Jewish domination. In other nations, Jewry rules from behind the mask of democracy. What one calls democracy today is concealed Jewish domination. Jews determine what happens in the democratic states, and Jewish bank hyenas and government ministers are working for a new world war that will re-subject Germany and Italy to renewed and final Jewish domination. In England, the Jew Hore Belisha as war minister is preparing to send the English people to the battlefields of a European war. This is necessary if Jewry’s hopes are to be fulfilled. These hopes are: the defeat of the National Socialist and Fascist led peoples and their final enslavement under the yoke of the world criminal Pan-Jewry.

[Page copyright © 1998 by Randall Bytwerk. No unauthorized reproduction. My e-mail address is available on the FAQ page.]

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