Background: This July 1943 editorial looks back to 1938, and claims that the Stürmer had forseen the coming war, and that Germany would surely triumph and the Jews would be destroyed. It is typical of much Stürmer material of the period — confident boasting, without much fact to back it up. For more information on the Stürmer and its editor, see my book on Julius Streicher.
The source: Ernst Hiemer , “Unser Glaube,” Der Stürmer, #29/1943, pp. 1-2.
by Ernst Hiemer
The Stürmer released a special edition titled “The Warmonger” during the 1938 party rally. In its introduction back then, the Stürmer wrote:
“The whole world is full of uncertainty and tension. States mobilize, peoples are driven into rage and hatred and a state of war.
Who is inciting this second world war?
Read this special edition slowly and carefully! Study the documents, the statements, the confessions! Understand the terrible drives of the Jewish people! You will be a different person as you lay down this special edition. You will have become one who sees and wants to act.”
That special edition had sixteen pages. It covered the biblical injunctions that the Jews had received already in the Old Testament about
Theft and plundering,
Treachery and torture,
Murdering children and butchering humanity,
and concluded with an overview of the bloody history of the Jews, including
the bloody nights in Egypt and Persia, and the mass murders of the years 66, 116, 134, etc.
Passing on to the modern age, the Stürmer reviewed the evil effects of the Jew Rothschild during the Napoleonic Wars, finally dealing in detail with the World War of 1914-1918. The special edition reported in particular detail the subversive activities of Freemasonry, Marxism and Bolshevism, and above all the insidious warmongering of the Jews in countries around the world. Already in 1938, the Stürmer revealed the Jews as the ones guilty for the coming second world war. In conclusion it wrote:
“Gentile peoples do not want war. They have not yet forgotten the terrible horrors of the World War. They want to live in peace. They want to work in peace. Neither the people of England, nor the people of France, not least of all the enslaved people of Russia, want war. The Gentile population in America does not want anything to do with a new bloody battle between the peoples.
The Jew wants war. His ‘religious’ goals, his revelations and prophesies, demand it. His past, his history, prove it. His threats, his declarations, and his confessions proclaim it. His drives show it plainly and clearly to the entire world.
The Jew is the biggest warmonger and agitator for war. After destroying Germany, he wants to force the other exhausted and bled-dry peoples under his final and everlasting power.
But Pan-Judah will not reach its goal. There is an ancient saying from the Cistercian Monastery at Lehnin: ‘Pan-Jewry dares enormous blasphemy. It wades through a sea of blood toward its throne of world domination. However, it must die along this path.’
Germany will not be destroyed. Pan-Judah will be destroyed. Adolf Hitler will ruin its plans. Its dream of world domination will be destroyed. Pan-Judah must die.
German will emerge from this struggle as the greatest and strongest people on earth.”
Reading these words, one could easily believe that they were written today, in the middle of the fourth year of war. But the Stürmer special issue titled “The Warmonger” appeared not in July 1943, but five years earlier, in September 1938!!
And what about today? Everything that the Stürmer grimly prophesied on 4 September 1939 (sic) has happened. Jewish warmongering achieved its goal. England, the USA, and the Soviet Union are at war with us — just as the Stürmer predicted. And Pan-Judah is conducting the war with the cruelest and most depraved methods, with theft and plundering, with insidiousness and torture, with the murder of children and the slaughtering of humanity — just as the Stürmer had prophesied.
Years ago, the Stürmer was already a good prophet. And because the Stürmer accurately foresaw the things to come back then, we can believe that the prophesy with which the special edition concluded will also be fulfilled:
Pan-Judah will be destroyed! Germany and its allies will emerge from this struggle as the greatest and strongest peoples on earth.
[Page copyright © 2010 by Randall Bytwerk. No unauthorized reproduction. My email address is available on the FAQ page.]
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