German Propaganda Archive Calvin University

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Background: The following editorial, written by Julius Streicher in 1944. At this point, Streicher was confined to his country estate after being convicted by a Nazi tribunal of gross misuse of office, but Hitler still guaranteed him the resources necessary to continue publishing his anti-Semitic newspaper.

It is a good example of Streicher’s style, and typical of the general Nazi approach toward the United States. For more information on the Stürmer and its editor, see my book on Julius Streicher.

The source: Der Stürmer, #23/1944.

What is Americanism?

by Julius Streicher

When one speaks of America, millions of Germans think of their relatives who either recently or long ago left their German homeland to seek their fortune in the “New World.” When someone succeeded in quickly making a lot of money in America, people said he had made his fortune. The result was that the “rich uncle” in America was envied and his nephews and nieces were encouraged to join the fortune-seeker. Seeking fortunes in America led to Germany losing people, and the American continent received many people whose contributions are particularly clear in the agricultural and technical fields. That these people and their descendants now give great help to the enemies of Germany in this Second World War is a tragic fact.

The family ties between hundreds of thousands of German families and their American relatives led many to think that America would never join a second war against Germany. Now that that has happened, many Germans still believe that America will never allow Bolshevism to conquer and destroy Germany. Recent events have proven how false and dangerous this idea is. One has to be foolish or irredeemably stupid to believe that anything good can come to Europe from the land of presumed opportunity. That that did not happen after the First World War, and will not happen after the second. The Jews have made America what it is today: a nation raped by the Jews, a nation whose 130,000,000 people of many colors and races have been forced into helping the Jews achieve world domination! The descendants of European immigrants do not govern the United States of America today. The foreign and domestic policies of the country are made by the Jews and their lackeys. The American people wanted peace, but were maneuvered into war by Delano Roosevelt, a tool of World Jewry who himself has Jewish blood in his veins. It was the same in World War I, when Woodrow Wilson, also a tool of the Jews, maneuvered it into the war.

Cordell Hull, one of the most prominent Jewish lackeys, controls the foreign policy of the United States of America. Hull is a particular favorite of the Jews. He was the one who stood alongside as Roosevelt lied to the American people and said that no American mother needed to fear that her son would fight in Europe. He and Roosevelt did everything they could to bring the United States into the Second World War. It is claimed that Cordell Hull is not a Jew. His appearance however leaves no doubt that Jewish blood is working its mischief in him and is producing that spirit that is typically Jewish. Perhaps it is this concealed Jewish blood that enabled him to overcome his horror when he married the baptized full Jewess Frances Witz. She is the daughter of the Jew Isaac Witz, who as is well known gained his wealth in ways that almost led him to prison or the electric chair. The New York Jewish newspaper The American Hebrew had this to say on 13 February 1942 about the Jewish spouse of the American Secretary of State Cordell Hull:

She is a tireless suporter of all efforts to help mankind.

It is an open secret that Jews do not work, but rather let others work for them. The “tireless work” of the wife of the American Secretary of State must therefore be a different kind of work than is done by working people. What is meant by saying that the Jewess Hull works untiringly in “all efforts to benefit mankind?” It is written in the Jewish law book, the Talmud, that only the Jew is human, that Gentiles are only animals. When the Jews speak of humanity, they mean only the totality of Jews. The Jewess Hull is therefore a “tireless worker” in the service of all the Jews. What her “efforts to benefit mankind” are has become clear through the protocols of the 1897 World Jewish Congress in Basel. It concluded that the Jews must work to destroy the national characteristics of other peoples through revolution, in order to make possible world domination by the Jews. In other words, the Jewess Hull is praised by The American Hebrew for being a tireless worker to establish world Jewish domination for the benefit of the Jews. The organized American air and ground pirates, who even call themselves murderers, are assisting in establishing this Jewish domination. The Jewish ties of the American Secretary of State are also evidenced by the fact that his sister married a Jew.

During Hull’s term in office — he has served as Secretary of State since 4 March 1933 — the American State Department has been completely Jewdified. The offices of the American State Department are filled with Jews both young and old. The diplomatic representatives of the United States of America to other nations are almost entirely Jews. For example, the ambassador in Paris from 1933 to 1936 was the Jew P. Strauss. The ambassador in Moscow after 1933 was the Jew Bullitt (after 1936 he was in Paris). The Jew Sack has been ambassador to Costa Rica since 1933, the Jew Schönfeld ambassador to Finland since 1937, the Jew Steinhardt (from 1939-1942 ambassador in Moscow) has been ambassador in Ankara since 1942. Cordell Hull’s assistant secretary in the State Department is the Jew Pasvolsky.

World Jewry has made clear its thanks to the Jewish lackeys President Delano Roosevelt and his secretary of state Cordell Hull. Both Roosevelt and Hull received the highest honor World Jewry has to offer: “The American Hebrew Medal.” It is the medal that World Jewry awards only for particularly valuable services. The president of the United States and his secretary of state were made honorary Hebrews. Cordell Hull received yet another honor from the Jewish weekly The American Hebrew. It ran a long article in praise of the Jewish lackey Hull in its 13 February 1942 issue. He was praised as Roosevelt’s “diplomatic chief of staff,” as “one of the greatest statesmen of the world,” one who had earned a place in the ranks of “immortal Americans.” He was even called a “saint in serge.” Never before has a Gentile, a “goy” been praised, even deified, so unanimously by Jewry as this Jewish-related, Jewish-thinking, honorary Hebrew, the Jewish lackey Cordell Hull. This proves what Professor Werner Sombart wrote on page 43 of his book The Jews and Economic Life:

One can rightly say that the United States owes what it is entirely to the Jews: that is, its American nature. What we call Americanism to a large degree is nothing other than the influence of the Jewish spirit.

“The influence of the Jewish spirit” today dominates the United States of North America. “The influence of the Jewish spirit” is what drove the American people into the disaster of the First World War, and forced them also in this Second World War to sacrifice enormous amounts of its blood. “The influence of the Jewish spirit” will destroy the New World unless a savior appears to rescue it from the abyss before which it stands.

[Page copyright © 1998 by Randall Bytwerk. No unauthorized reproduction. My e-mail address is available on the FAQ page.]

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