Background: This is a list of reference works on propaganda from
a confidential newsletter for journalists, with instructions on what to
print and what not to print, the approved approach to stories, etc. I
find this interesting as a listing of what Nazis thought were good treatments
of propaganda.
The source: Zeitschriften-Dienst, Nr. 1056 (28 October
Propaganda Bibliography
General Works:
- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (Eher Verlag): The definitive principles
of National Socialist propaganda.
- Eugen Hadamovsky, Propaganda und nationale Macht (Verlag Gerhard
Stalling, Oldenburg, 1933): Covers every form of the organization of
public opinion in national politics.
- Erich Everth, Die Oeffentlichkeit in der Außenpolitik (Gustav
Fischer Verlag, 1931): Historical treatment of mass media in politics.
- Wilhelm Bauer, Die öffentliche Meinung in der Weltgeschichte(Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Atahenaion Wildpark-Potsdam, 1930):
Provides examples of the building of public opinion in many countries
and historical eras, including the World War. Many illustrations.
- Karl Pintschovius, Die seelische Widerstandskraft im modernen Kriege (Verlag Gerhard Stalling, Oldenburg, 1936): The necessity of strengthening
the spiritual resistance strength of soldiers and the home front.
- Konrad Morgen, Kriegspropaganda und Kriegsverhütung (Universitätsverlag
Robert Noske, Leipzig, 1936). In the series “The Nature and Effects
of Mass Communication,” v. 4: Argues that the propaganda preparations
for war begin during times of peace, and that this propaganda by warmongers
must cease.
- Alfred Sturminger, Politische Propaganda in der Weltgeschichte (Verlag Das Bergland Buch, Salzburg, 1938): The use of propaganda at
key points in history, somewhat religiously tinged.
- Karl Bömer, Das Dritte Reich im Spiegel der Weltpresse (Armanen-Verlag, Leipzig, 1934): Numerous pictures on the struggle of
National Socialism against foreign lies from around 1933, the basic
techniques of foreign propaganda.
Propaganda in Newspapers:
- Theodor Lüddeke, Die Tageszeitung als Mittel der Staatsführung
(Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt, Hamburg, 1931): A combative discussion
of the tasks of the newspaper, now somewhat out-of-date.
- Hans A. Münster, Zeitung und Politik (Universitätsverlag
Robert Noske, Leipzig, 1935): Treatment of the principles and effects
of newspapers, with many examples useful in practical propaganda.
- Emil Dovifat, Zeitungslektüre I und II (Walter de Gruyter,
Berlin, 1937): The fundamental principles of newspaper effectiveness.
- Otto Dietrich, Weltpresse ohne Maske (Gauverlag Westfälische
Landeszeitung Rote Erde, Dortmund, 1937): Illuminating cases of foreign
press hysteria.
Propaganda in Magazines:
- Ernst Herbert Lehmann, Einführung in die Zeitschriftkunde
(Verlag Hiersemann, Leipzig, 1936): Thorough treatment of all aspects
of the magazine.
- Ernst Herbert Lehmann, Gestaltung der Zeitschrift (Verlag Hiersemann,
Leipzig, 1938): Political typography, with numerous examples of good
and bad magazine layout.
- Gerhard Menz, Die Zeitschrift als Führungsmittel (Verlag
Robert Noske, Leipzig, 1935): Brief survey of the political uses of
Propaganda in Film:
- Dr. Walter Günther, Der Film als politisches Führungsmittel (Universitätsverlag Robert Noske, Leipzig, 1934): Examples of the
use of film by the enemy during the World War.
- Ilse Böttcher, Film und Tageszeitung.Vergleich ihrer Struktur
und Wirkungsmöglichkeit (Universitätsverlag Robert Noske,
Leipzig, 1937): The various ways of solving mass media tasks through
film and newspapers.
- Gertraude Bub, Der deutsche Film im Weltkrieg und sein publizistischer
Einsatz (Diss. Berlin 1933): A treatment of the German film during
the World War, based on a broad range of sources.
- Hans Traub, Der Film als politisches Machtmittel (Münchener
Druck- und Verlagshaus, 1933): Brief, but important treatment of the
use of film in politics.
- Curt Belling, Der Film in Staat und Partei (Verlag “Der
Film,” Berlin, 1936): Treatment of political film after 1933, including
the speeches of Dr. Goebbels on film.
Propaganda in Radio:
- Hans-Joachim Weinbrenner, Handbuch des Deutschen Rundfunks 1938/39
und 1939-40 (Kurt Vowinkel-Verlag, Heidelberg): Various essays on
propaganda in radio.
- Kurt Wagenführer, Jahrbuch Weltrundfunk 1937/38 (Kurt
Vowinkel-Verlag, Heidelberg): Several essays on international radio
and radio propaganda.
Propaganda in Pictures:
- Ferdinand Avenarius, Das Bild as Verleumder (Verlag G. D. Callwey,
Munich, 1915):
- Ferdinand Avenarius, Das Bild as Narr (Verlag G. D. Callwey,
Munich, no date): Both books have examples of falsified photographs
used against Germany.
- Willy Stiewe, Das Pressephoto als publizistisches Mittel (Universitätsverlag
Robert Noske, Leipzig, 1936): A treatment of the entire range of the
use of pictures as propaganda in newspapers and magazines.
- Hans Hermann Schwalbe, Die Grundlagen für die publizistische
Bedeutung der Karikatur in Deutschland (Diss. Berlin 1937): The
nature and use of caricature.
Studies of Propaganda During the World War:
- Friedrich Felger, Frontpropaganda bei Freund und Feind und andere
Artikel über Propaganda im Weltkrieg, in “Was wir vom
Weltkrieg nicht wissen” (Herausgeber: Walter Jost und Friedrich
Felber, H. Fikentscher Verlag, Leipzig, 1936).
- Arthur Ponsby, Lügen in Kriegszeiten (Verlag Georg Stilke,
Berlin, 1931): A book by an Englishman, which provides numerous examples
of false reporting during the war; very good material.
- Hans Thimme, Weltkrieg ohne Waffen (Cotta’sche Buchhandlung,
Stuttgart and Berlin, 1932): The propaganda of the Allies against
Germany, its effects and its defense, with an appendix of documents.
- Ludolf Gottschalk von dem Knesebeck, Die Wahrheit über den
Propagandafeldzug und Deutschlands Zusammenbruch, der Kampf der Publizistik
im Weltkrieg (Selbstverlag des Verfassers, Munich, 1927): The
encirclement of Germany by foreign mass media, German propaganda,
a very critical approach, to be used with caution.
Foreign Propaganda:
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Propaganda Archive Home Page.