The cover |
These two pages have the credits for the film, next to pictures
of the lead actress, Kristina Söderbaum, and Werner Kraus (Rabbi
Loew) and Ferdinand Marian (Jew Süß). |
Part I of plot summary: Duke Karl Alexander of
Württemberg takes an oath to the constitution as he begins his
reign, promising to do everything “according to old Württemberg
loyalty and honesty.” But shortly after becoming duke, he wants
to hold his own with neighboring sovereigns, and demands a personal
guard, an opera, and a ballet. The provincial council, headed by Councillor
Sturm, turns down the duke’s demands. But he knows what to do. He
sends Herr von Remchingen, a practiced courtier, to Frankfurt to find
the Jew Süß Oppenheimer, who sees his chance. Like a thief,
he sneaks across the Württemberg border and shows the duke how
to make money. “Does not the emperor in Vienna have his financial
advisers, whom he allows to collect taxes, customs duties, and bridge
The citizens of Württemberg complain, but the small rebellions
that break out here and there against the steadily growing taxes and crude
methods of the Jew’s officials are brutally suppressed. The smith
Hans Bogner is hanged because, driven to desperation by the Jew and
his lackeys, he answers force with force. The duke is satisfied with
his Jew. Süß transforms Württemberg into a land “flowing
with milk and honey.” He finds new ways to finance the duke’s
expensive tastes, and Süß himself gets rich too. Karl Alexander
rewards the Jew for his matchmaking services with new privileges and
with a letter giving him immunity from the law. The ban on Jews is
lifted. Hundreds of Jews move to Württemberg and Süß
makes sure that they can all get rich.
Röder, the duke’s war comrade, attempts in vain to make himself
the spokesman for the ruined farmers and citizens. Karl Alexander
brusquely rejects him. The old Rabbi Loew, who knows how to read
the stars, vainly warns Süß Oppenheimer: “The Lord
punishes Jews who forget who they are!” |
Part II of the plot summary: Süß
continues on his way, even attempting to marry Dorothea, the daughter
of Counselor Sturm, who is engaged to Faber. Sturm stops him, and
Faber and Dorothea are married. Under the pretext that Sturm is
leading a conspiracy against the duke, Süß has him arrested.
When the council resists the duke’s arbitrary use of power, he dissolves
it, thus breaking the oath he took upon becoming duke. Following
the advice of the Jew, he determines on a coup to make himself the
absolute monarch.
This forces Süß’s opponents to act. Until then they
had hesitated, but now they must rouse the people. They send Faber
out with secret orders. He is arrested at the city gate. The password
has been changed that night. Faber is accused of treason. Since
he will not reveal is accomplices, he is tortured. Afraid, Dorothea
goes to the Jew. Süß releases Faber. But at what price?
A few hours after his release, Faber carries the body of his young
wife from the Neckar River.
Now rebellion breaks out! Röder is the leader. The duke, who
would gladly be out of the situation that Jew Süß has
got him into, uses the presence of the emperor’s emissary in Ludwigsburg
to leave Stuttgart, giving Süß a free hand to carry out
the coup. He dies of a heart attack during the festivities at Ludwigsburg,
which renders void his grant of immunity that gave the Jew immunity
for all his crimes. Süß is arrested as he tries to escape.
He is tried and condemned to death. The smith’s relatives build
the highest gallows ever constructed for the Jew. And all Jews have
to leave the province within a month. |
A lavish party, organized by Süß Oppenheimer. |