Background:This is a translation of a pamphlet titled “America as a Perversion of European Culture.” It was published by Robert Ley’s Reichsorganisationsleitung der NSDAP. It was published around mid-1942. It was intended for those making propaganda. The first page notes that “Reprinting or giving to those who are unauthorized is not allowed.” However, it contains nothing particularly confidential. It is amusing, perhaps, to read the author’s description of American housewives, whom he thinks can cook only from tin cans. The author is not named, but was probably a German journalist who was serving in the U.S. when the war began.
The source: “Amerika als Zerrbild europäischer Lebensordnung,” Schulungs-Unterlage Nr. 19 (Der Reichsorganisationsleitung der NSDAP., Hauptschulungsamt, 1942).
I. Why did the USA become a warmonger?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt took office as president in the midst of the worst crisis in the history of the United States. Although he was not responsible for the severe economic crisis he inherited from the Republicans in 1932, he did not have the strength to lead his nation out of its economic crisis. To the contrary. Once he saw that his plans, which went by the name “New Deal,” were unfruitful, he decided that the best way out was to drive the Western European powers into a war against Germany. That would first enable him to overcome the economic crisis through war profits, and second to satisfy the stock exchange and armaments Jews.
His election promises forced him to introduce new economic policies to stimulate the economy. Driven by his Jewish advisers, he wasted countless billions in stimulating the economy, but could not end the crisis. Instead, the crisis in the United States intensified after 1936. Once again driven by his Jewish advisers, the only remaining way for Delano Roosevelt to deal with the economic situation was to become a world warmonger.
To prevent a domestic catastrophe, he created a world-wide catastrophe.
publications of our Foreign Office prove that Delano Roosevelt
incessantly incited England and other European states against
Germany, hoping to drive them to war and thereby rescue himself.
He really seems to have believed that he could avoid direct involvement in the war.
The other nations were to fight for him, providing America with the economic prosperity he had promised, just as during and after the World War when the reparations payments flowed almost exclusively to America.
And the huge shipments of war supplies to the Western powers would mean big profits for American armaments magnates.
It is also clear that he was unscrupulously planning for the United States to replace England as the leader of the Anglo-Saxon community. Washington was to replace London as the economic center of the Anglo-Saxon world. Washington, already the capital of the United States as well as of the Jews and Freemasons, would become the capital of the world. He has a Messiah Complex, just as his predecessor Woodrow Wilson, in whose administration Roosevelt had served as Assistant Secretary of the Navy.
If his plans had worked out, he would have actually been the Messiah who fulfilled the millennia-old dreams of the Jews, that Ahasver people.
But the bombs at Pearl Harbor upset all the clever plans of this president of catastrophe in the White House.
Until then, no one believed that Japan would dare to go to war with the land of unlimited possibilities. After the German and Italian notes of 11.12.1941, in which both other members of the Three-Power Pact declared war on the USA, the USA for the first time found itself confronted with a two front war, which the American public had always feared. Roosevelt was no longer master of the situation — Pearl Harbor and German submarine warfare made him the prisoner of events.
2. America is no longer master of its economic forces
Roosevelt had been unable to deal with the internal crisis of the United States, even after nearly ten years in the White House. Now the crisis intensified. What the results for the USA will be cannot yet be foreseen. It is clear that the American people are at the end of a particularly fortunate era during which they were able to live in luxury.
Roosevelt’s first problem is to deal with the problems that are coming at him from every side. He had never been able to take the long view of things, but rather has always made his plans from one day to the next. That is not possible in a war. He is the worst sort of amateur. Politically clever, but otherwise weak party politicians of his sort have not been rare, but rather the rule. They all — Roosevelt included — had the luck to govern a land with vast natural resources that should have guaranteed prosperity for all Americans, if only these resources had been used for the common good, not given to a small number of Jewish financial magnates.
For example, the United States should never suffer a shortage of food. The problems developing since it entered the war result from Delano Roosevelt’s chaotic policies.
Many of these problems would only result because of the complete failure of Roosevelt’s unscrupulous government.
This man is sick in every regard. His infernal hatred against the Duce and the Führer is probably largely the result of his sickness. His boundless ambition is directly related to his difficulties. As the mass press in the United States regularly observes, the president has the firm conviction that he can deal with the world just as he has overcome his illness, through superhuman energy.
He assumed office at the same time as Hitler’s seizure of power. From the first days of his presidency, he was overshadowed by the Führer. His New Deal, it is true, attempted to imitate numerous of the Führer’s policies. But what led to success by us was condemned to failure in America, because Roosevelt is a man without particular gifts, and because of the particular conditions prevailing in America’s model democracy. His plans were not designed for a particular people or race, but rather only for a population consisting of the most varied racial elements from throughout the world. His plans were condemned to failure, for he never had the ability to lead. The only chance was dictatorial measures.
The bizarre vanity of the man in the White House has been seriously wounded, which is why he hates the Führer and the Duce so much. He has the sick wish to destroy Europe’s leading personalities.
3. The Jews alone drove President Delano Roosevelt into war.
Roosevelt’s bosses while he was developing his war plans were Jews. They incessantly drove the President further along his twisted path. Bullitt, whose criminal actions as special ambassador and confident of the President are proven by the documents, began to spin his web in Warsaw and Paris. Bernard Baruch, once called a speculator by a Senate committee, gave the White House advice on foreign policy. Felix Frankfurter was appointed to the Supreme Court to see to it that Roosevelt’s actions were not overturned by the highest court in the United States. Henry Morgenthau, a intimate of America’s financial leadership, became Secretary of the Treasury. The New York judge Roseman wrote the president’s speeches, which constantly grew more hateful. Secretary of State Hull, himself not a Jew but married to a Jewess, gave press conferences the material to arouse the rest of the world. Finally, the Freemason Roosevelt’s clique of Washington Jews involved Poland, France, and England in Washington’s long-planned policies. The sick warmonger in Washington had reached his goal of unleashing a world-wide conflagration.
But things took a different course than Roosevelt had hoped. In Europe, one of his bastions after another fell, leaving England to fight for its very existence. Washington’s arrogance toward Japan resulted in Pearl Harbor and the notes of 11 December from Germany and Italy. Roosevelt suddenly found himself in a war that he had wanted others to wage, from which he had hoped to get the benefits.
I had repeated opportunities in the weeks after Pearl Harbor to see Roosevelt on the movie screen and hear him over the radio. He was no longer an arrogant president, but rather a broken man with a flat voice who was no longer master of the situation he had brought about. He could not understand what had happened. He had not wanted actual war, but had hoped to keep in the background. He wanted American destroyers to fire on German submarines, but without an open declaration of war. He wanted to slowly and comfortably build up his military, and only then attack us when necessary — perhaps in three to five years. His plans failed. He’s probably regained his voice in the meanwhile. But despite his loud voice, his mills are grinding rather slowly. Germany can wait and see what will come from American war production.
Roosevelt’s economic mismanagement in God’s Country is clear from the problems the United States is currently facing. Since America’s wealth means it has no problems with foreign reserves, one certainly would have expected that the warmonger Roosevelt would have stockpiled important raw materials that America lacks, such as rubber and tin. That was not the case. America imported crude rubber from Indonesia, supplies from which were cut off in a few weeks as a result of Japan’s conquest. The American public was surprised to learn that its reserves were sufficient only to last to the end of this year. There was a lively discussion in the press, followed by an excited debate in Congress. That could not change the fact that the United States had neither significant rubber plantations in the New World, nor did it have any significant efforts to manufacture synthetic rubber.
And that is only part of the problem. The constant sinkings of American tankers along the East Coast led to fresh problems. The eastern states of the American union, with important industrial and commercial centers such as New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Bethlehem, Pittsburgh, Boston, Detroit, Toledo, and Chicago had been supplied with oil by tankers by sea routes from the south. Our submarines cut these routes. Tankers have been going down regularly for months. Few of us understand the effects our submarine warfare is having. In America, however, people understand clearly what the sinkings along the East Coast mean. It cuts the oil supply to the economically significant East, and creates grave transportation difficulties.
4. As a result of its rapid growth and its tendency to gigantomania, America has become a perversion of European culture.
Although any other country could accept the loss of private automobiles, the people of the United States cannot. It had become part of daily life. Every fourth American owns a car. The United States is a large country with widely separated cities. That alone made Americans dependent on the automobile. Particularly in the Middle West and the West, farmers are dependent on cars. Millions of trucks supply the big cities with food. Suddenly the United States faces a revolutionary change in its transportation system. The transportation problems are to be solved by greater dependence on the railroads, yet in recent years the number of locomotives and freight cars has sunk as the number of cars rose. Washington has announced that pipelines were being laid from Texas to the north, but even in America people openly say that such facilities will take at least a year and a half to complete.
The first thing to watch is how Americans who had a car for enjoyment will react to giving up the cars that they formerly did not think they could live without. We Germans can understand conditions in the United States only when we consider the particular mentality of the North Americans. Since they live on a rich continent, they believe they have particular privileges and deserve all of life’s advantages. That makes giving things up hard for them, even things we Europeans view as luxuries that we can do without. Given their wealth, they made things as easy as possible for themselves. They were proud of their superiority to Europe in this regard, in contrast to their intellectual and cultural dependence on Europe. They did not understand how much they clung to superficialities. They spoke of a “tin can culture” in a way incomprehensible to us. American housewives can no longer survive without tin cans. They have become so lazy as a result of these tin cans that they can no longer cook like German housewives. When they came home in the evening after visiting the beauty parlor or working in an office, and before going to a cocktail party, they opened a can or two for their family’s evening meal. Overnight, they have had to give up their tin cans because American tin reserves were shrinking. For we Germans that would be a trivial matter, but the Americans saw it as an intolerable imposition. They cannot understand how various other products of civilization have vanished from the American market, things such as electric refrigerators, washing machines and ovens, radios, gramophones and records, pots and other household items.
Americans who believed that they would never even know a war was going on now have to start thinking like Europeans. They will have to pay taxes like we do. We began by noting that Roosevelt’s government had presided over a catastrophic economy. When he took office in 1933, his Republican predecessor had left a balanced budget. He immediately began to spend money. He promised that his New Deal would restore economic and social health. In fact, however, the New Deal threw billions of dollars out the window. Since he and his party were passing out money right and left, millions of voters had a personal interest in electing him a second and third time. But the national debt had risen by sixty billion dollars by the outbreak of the war.
This situation would undoubtedly had led to a revolt if Roosevelt had not unscrupulously been rescued by war. Without war, he would have been forced either to raise taxes or devalue the dollar. Either would have been a political disaster in peacetime that would have meant the end of Roosevelt and his clique. Once war came, Roosevelt could vastly increase his economic mistakes. He got approval for an additional $65 billion for military purposes. And he has already said that he would need “at least” another $225 billion for the war. Just as he did at the beginning of his presidency, he is constantly talking about the vast measures that these enormous sums will pay for. Formerly he spoke of job creation programs or work camps for the youth. Now he talks of huge numbers of airplanes, tanks, guns and ships. But those familiar with his methods know that he has always talked big, but has not produced results. We Germans can therefore wait and see what deeds will follow his words. The economic mismanagement in the United States, which is simply beyond our understanding, will cause even greater problems. Now that the American people are at war, Roosevelt believes he can take the risk of raising the income tax to a level of 35% to 40% for the middle class. We will see if he can do this without causing inflation. A German reader can only understand what this means when he realizes that a married American currently owes practically no income tax at all if his monthly income is equivalent to about six hundred marks. The new taxes will overnight reduce the American standard of living to a point that one will no longer be able to speak of American prosperity.
5. The war is not a matter of the people.
The natural result is that the war is not as popular as the American government would like it to be. Pearl Harbor was greeted in the United States with remarkable indifference. In the weeks and months thereafter, the American press, that naturally follows Washington’s instructions, tried to build enthusiasm for the war through every possible method. But the average American could not understand that he was in a war that was a matter of life and death. The press and government try daily to fight popular attitudes. Although they do not understand what they are supposed to be fighting for, it is gradually dawning on them that they face years of sacrifice, and that the United States will never again be a land of luxury.
The fact that their army is a mirror of the nation also gives them cause to doubt. Roosevelt succeeded in building an army of several million soldiers. But even in May their weapons were ludicrous. As much as possible, all weapons and supplies had been sent to England. The American military leadership and a significant part of the American press protested. With unbelievable stubbornness, however, Roosevelt continued these shipments even during the spring, even to the Bolshevists. American maneuvers were therefore carried out with completely inadequate equipment. Most soldiers had no weapons. Tanks and artillery were completely lacking. The uniforms were in poor shape. American newspapers regularly reported that soldiers mocked their generals. There were many deserters. Venereal diseases spread.
The draft followed a strange system. One class was in the 20-39 age range, the other 40-64. Formerly, only those were drafted who passed a medical examination. Since the examination could be done by a family doctor, however, many young Americans with prosperous parents simply bought their way out of military service by paying the doctor a sufficiently high fee or by bribing officials. As a result, the American army does not make a good impression.
Since the overwhelming majority of the American population did not want to join the war, young Americans always asked me nervously before Pearl Harbor if I thought that the United States would end up at war. They clearly were afraid that they might have to put on their country’s uniform. Even while I was interned, many American officials told me, the enemy, that they simply could not understand why they were fighting. Federal officials gave me the special editions of the New York newspapers that carried the notes from the Italian and German governments of 11 December. They stammered that they still hoped that the United States could still remain neutral. That is how naive the Americans are. They are like children playing with fire, who do not think they might be burned. Their complete political immaturity is the only explanation as to why a sick man was elected president for the third time, even though there was no doubt as to the dangers of his policies.
6. The president believes he can win.
Since he is sick, he is guided by wishful thinking. He naturally does not think the Axis powers will win. He does not have the least idea that if we lose, communism will take over all of Europe. Leading American newspapers openly say that the United States does not care if red flags fly over Berlin, Rome, Budapest, Bucharest, Paris, and Madrid. Since Roosevelt thinks that he can come to terms with Bolshevism, he believes they will accept Anglo-Saxon control of the seas, and that they will accept Washington as the capital rather than London. He has fantasies of policing the world’s oceans. He has gathered the “United Nations” under his leadership, which includes not only important enemy states such as the USA, England, the Soviet Union, and China, along with the Latin American states that declared war on us by Washington’s orders. It also includes the exile governments of nations like Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Yugoslavia, and Poland that no longer exist. With unbelievable vanity, Roosevelt considers himself the head of this peculiar union that he sees as the way to realize his dreams of world domination.
7. The tonnage problem is the challenge for England and the USA.
Roosevelt’s problem is that events have not gone as he had naively hoped. That brings us back to submarine warfare, which from the first days of the war gave Washington serious headaches. For more than two years, the Battle of the Atlantic has been seen by the American press as at least as important as the land war. The shipping problem is a major concern for Washington, especially since Roosevelt wants the United States to be the “arsenal of democracy.” Even if Roosevelt manages the impossible task of manufacturing the war materials his allies need, he still faces the problem of getting the material to England and the Eastern Front. American experts are still telling the American press that there is no immediate possibility of replacing the ships that are continually being sunk by our submarines. Roosevelt talks of the tonnage to be built by American shipyards. The experts know, however, that the capacity is lacking. Roosevelt talks of building new shipyards, but the experts in the USA have no doubt that a long time will pass before Roosevelt’s plans can be realized. The highest figures named are two and a half million tons a year. Those who are familiar with American exaggeration, however, know that the final figures will probably be much lower. The same is true of the other production statistics from Washington. According to all the evidence, the American war effort is in its earliest stages. German readers must realize that in a democracy, there are many difficulties involved in moving the economy from peace to war. American war production will begin to be at full strength only by the end of next year. In the meanwhile, transportation will be more of a problem for the United States than production.
But Roosevelt has plans even if the Axis wins. He thinks he will win the war regardless of what happens. If England loses, then Canada and all the other European possessions in the Western Hemisphere will fall into his hands. He also hopes that dollar imperialism will conquer South America. Washington’s current plans are to bring everything between the Rio Grande and the Panama Canal under its control and to make South America economically dependent on the United States. Roosevelt’s plans in the event of an Axis victory make clear to the reader the coldness with which he made his plans over the years, aided by his hypocritical speeches written by the Jewish federal judge Roseman.
Who knows what fate has in store for him? Many indications are that the war will end in terrible catastrophe for the United States. Perhaps this false Messiah, the lackey of his Jewish allies, will be brought to justice by his own people. History, after all, is just.
[Page copyright © 1998 by Randall L. Bytwerk. No unauthorized reproduction. My e-mail address is available on the FAQ page.]
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